> On 23 May 2019, at 16:00, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) <vali...@gmail.com> wrote:


> This mockup might not help, but is something I had in mind that I want to
> share:
> https://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/Proposal/EditConflict/linescolor.png
> Ideally I would like to see real time, if not the exact changes, but at
> least the lines affected by the current editor.

That’s a different beast. Also I don’t recall the exact arguments but some devs 
said in the past that realtime wasn’t going to solve all needs and that we 
might needing both merge-on-save and realtime. In any case they’re separate and 
I don’t think we should wait for realtime FTM and it’s good to progress on 



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