Congratulations to the development team.

John Ojo MD, FMCPH

Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
West African Regional Disease Surveillance (WARDS) Project
West Africa Health Organization (WAHO/ECOWAS)
Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.

Mobile: +226 65897160
Skype:  Johnojo

On Wednesday, April 23, 2014 7:05 AM, Marta Vila <> wrote:
that looks great,  Many thanks!

Congratulations to the team! 

On 23 April 2014 06:51, riddy ndoma <> wrote:

Congratulation!! In the next release You can give the ability to customize a 
section of a form? In lieu customize the entire form?
>2014-04-23 5:16 GMT+01:00 Ismail Yusuf <>:
>Indeed good news :)
>>Congratulation to the whole team who made this possible. The new features are 
>>pretty exciting, looking forward to fully utilize them.
>>On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 2:06 AM, Lars Helge Øverland <> 
>>Hi all,
>>>DHIS version 2.15 is out. We have a great set of new features for you:
>>>- Event reports app: We have a completely new "event reports" app for 
>>>analysis of events. This app lets you do aggregated analysis of events 
>>>directly without building aggregation queries and create pivot-style tables, 
>>>where you can use data elements as individual dimensions together with 
>>>periods and org units. All dimensions can be placed on columns, rows and 
>>>filters. The app also lets you query on events using filters on all data 
>>>elements, org units or periods. It lets you save tables as favorites and 
>>>share them with others. You can also download your favorites to many popular 
>>>formats. This app replaces the old tabular reports. You can check it out on 
>>>the demo by browsing through all of the favorites.
>>>Documentation | Demo
>>>- Event capture app: A new app for capture of events. This app makes it easy 
>>>to capture events efficiently, view the list of events capture so far and 
>>>update existing events. It lets you configure and select the columns to show 
>>>in the list of events. The app works offline, meaning that you can continue 
>>>to enter events even if connectivity drops during your working session.
>>>Documentation | Demo
>>>- Tracked entities: In tracker you can now define any number of tracked 
>>>entities, representing things you want to track. Tracked entities can be 
>>>commodities, lab samples, buildings, wells, drug batches and persons, or 
>>>anything you want. This makes the system more flexible and applicable for 
>>>tracking most stuff beyond just persons. A program is associated with one 
>>>tracked entity. We hope that you will be creative and take advantage of this 
>>>new level of abstraction. You can define tracked entities from persons and 
>>>programs > tracked entity.
>>>- Data approval levels: You can now configure the levels for where approval 
>>>of data should take place. For instance, you can require that data must be 
>>>approved at the facility and provincial org unit hierarchy levels, omitting 
>>>approval at the district levels. An approval level requires that the data 
>>>must be approval by some user linked to the specific level for it to be 
>>>considered valid and be available in data analysis. Approval levels are 
>>>configured under settings > approval.
>>>Documentation | Demo
>>>- Data approval in analytics: Data approval now takes place in reports 
>>>module > data approval. Approval of data is now respected in data analytics 
>>>tools such as pivot table and visualizer, meaning that data which has not 
>>>been approved will not be part of the aggregated values displayed in 
>>>reports. This implies that data can be hidden until it has been approved by 
>>>the appropriate persons. In other words, the aggregated data in analysis 
>>>apps will be based on approved data only.
>>>Documentation | Demo
>>>- Data access control in org unit hierarchy: User's access to data can now 
>>>be controlled in the organisation unit hierarchy. This is done by assigning 
>>>data view root organisation units per user. The existing association between 
>>>users and org units represent access to doing data capture. The new 
>>>association for data view organisation units controls for which organisation 
>>>units a user can view analytical data in the analysis modules such as pivot 
>>>table and visualizer. 
>>>Documentation | Demo
>>>- Category option groups and group sets: Category options can now be further 
>>>classified by assigning them to category option groups and group sets. An 
>>>example where this is useful is when representing various projects as 
>>>category options and there is a need to classify these projects by funding 
>>>agencies/donors. The group sets are available as dimensions in all data 
>>>analysis modules. You set these up from data elements and indicators > 
>>>category option groups / group sets.
>>>Documentation | Demo
>>> - Top menu: We have added a new, more flexible top menu. This menu displays 
>>>all apps that is available to the current user, including both standard apps 
>>>and installed, external apps. It works well on touch-based devices due to 
>>>the large icons. You can organize your apps by clicking on "more apps" link 
>>>and drag-and-drop your apps into the order you would like. Note that your 
>>>first nine apps will be displayed in the drop-down menu. You can scroll down 
>>>in the top drop-down menu to view all apps, too. Check it out on the demo by 
>>>hovering the "apps" icon in the top menu.
>>>- User account invites: A new feature for inviting new users to the system 
>>>has been added. An invite is similar to an account, except that instead of 
>>>specifying username and password, an email is sent to the invited user, who 
>>>can pick username and password herself before logging into the system. This 
>>>is useful to avoid insecure password generation such as standard or 
>>>simplistic passwords, or passwords being known by other than the user 
>>>herself. Check it out in the add new user screen by selecting "email 
>>>invitation to create account" from the top drop-down menu.
>>>Documentation | Demo
>>>- Std dev and variance aggregation operators: Data elements can now have new 
>>>aggregation operators which includes count, standard deviation and variance. 
>>>These aggregation operators can also be specified directly in analytics web 
>>>api queries. This allows for more advanced reports and aggregations.
>>>Documentation | Demo
>>>- Org unit group counts in indicators: In indicator formulas you can now 
>>>include the number of org units in a specific group. This count of org units 
>>>intersects with the org unit hierarchy based on the org unit requested for 
>>>aggregation. As an example, this lets you use the number of public 
>>>facilities in a specific district in indicators. This is useful e.g. when 
>>>creating facility infrastructure surveys and reports. Check out the 
>>>Documentation | Demo
>>>- Custom range axis in visualizer: In data visualizer you can now specify a 
>>>new set of options for the range (y) axis, namely the max and min value, the 
>>>number of ticks to use, and the number of decimals for the axis values. This 
>>>is useful when e.g. you want to "zoom in" on the upper part of a bar chart 
>>>in order to highlight differences between org units. Check out the demo 
>>>chart which shows immunization coverage between 70% and 110%.
>>>Documentation | Demo
>>>- OpenID authentication: The system can now be configured to authenticate 
>>>users through OpenID. This is useful to avoid forcing users to create yet 
>>>another username and password. OpenID is an open standard that allows users 
>>>to be authenticated through identify providers, such as Google and Yahoo. 
>>>The OpenID provider can be specified from settings > access.
>>>- CSV meta-data import: From import-export module you can now import 
>>>meta-data in CSV format. Supported objects are currently data elements + 
>>>groups, category options + groups and organisation units + groups. CSV 
>>>import is quite handy when doing ad-hoc imports from spreadsheets and the 
>>>Documentation | Demo
>>>- More dynamic attributes: You can now assign dynamic attributes to data 
>>>sets and organisation unit group sets. This is useful when you need to 
>>>capture additional meta-data information beyond what is offered as fixed 
>>>attributes on these objects.
>>>- Unit intervals: Data elements now have a new numeric value type called 
>>>unit interval, which is a continuous number between 0 and 1. This is useful 
>>>e.g. when you require users to enter a percentage in data entry without 
>>>having to specify validation rules for each data element. 
>>>Documentation | Demo
>>>- Standard comments: Data elements can now define option sets for data value 
>>>comments. This means that you can use an option set to define a standard, 
>>>common set of comments to data values, and let users choose an option by 
>>>clicking inside the data entry cells and using the regular comment field. 
>>>You can check it out on the demo for the "facility assessment" form for the 
>>>"facility infrastructure" data elements.
>>>Documentation | Demo
>>>- Extended sharing: The sharing paradigm has now been applied to a new range 
>>>of objects: org unit group set, data element group, data element group set, 
>>>category combination, category, category option, sql view, user role, 
>>>validation rule group, option set, tracked entity attribute. The sharing 
>>>solution enables you to give objects public/private access for reading or 
>>>writing, and share objects with other groups of users.
>>>- Minor new features: 
>>>- Data sets have a new setting for forcing users to enter a comment for 
>>>missing data values before clicking complete.
>>>- When importing events you can now specify the organisation unit identifier 
>>>scheme, such as code.
>>>- Data visualizer now discriminates betweenmissing values and zeros - 
>>>missing values are displayed as dashes.
>>>- DHIS 1.4 import now includes import of validation rules.
>>>- A new six-monthly period type with start in April is now supported for 
>>>data capture and analysis. 
>>>This version brings a lot of improvements to the Web API, which is now 
>>>richer, more stable and better documented. We have continued on our path of 
>>>making all system aspects available through the Web API, while rewriting our 
>>>own clients as light-weight apps.
>>>- Flexible property filtering: When requesting lists of meta-data objects, 
>>>the API now allows for flexible filtering on any meta-data property, using 
>>>any number of filters per query.
>>>- CRUD: All API resources now directly support create, update, get and 
>>>delete operations, allowing for modifying resources directly instead of 
>>>going through the meta-data resource - makes the API more in line with REST 
>>>principles and more convenient to use. 
>>>- Meta-data inclusion / exclusion: For each resource you can specify 
>>>precisely which properties and collections you want to be serialized and 
>>>included in the response - useful e.g. to avoid loading big collections 
>>>unnecessarily for objects.
>>>- Tracked entity instance query: A new resource for querying and searching 
>>>tracked entity instances (e.g. persons, medicines) has been added, which 
>>>supports free-text queries, queries on specific attributes, programs, 
>>>program status, events and more.
>>>- Data value set templates: You can now generate data value set templates 
>>>for specific data sets, making it simpler to create data entry clients.
>>>- JSON data value sets: Data value sets can now be rendered as JSON, in 
>>>addition to the existing XML support.
>>>- Maintenance: Certain maintenance functions are now available through a 
>>>maintenance web api resource.
>>>You can download Live package, WAR file, sample data and source code here:
>>>You will find documentation and javadocs here:
>>>The demo application can be found here:
>>>Full list of features can be found at the Launchpad page:
>>>Enjoy the new features. Feedback is appreciated.
>>>best regards,
>>>the DHIS 2 development team
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