I agree, but does anybody knows if exists any std format for diagrams?

En/na Andrew Marlow ha escrit:
I am really pleased that at last we have ODF for officially defining an open
format for documents. But I think we are still missing the equivalent for

I realise that dia produces output in a number of formats but none of these
are any kind of standard for diagrams that I am aware of. If there was such a
std then dia could be one program among several that implement the std. We
would then see survival of the fitest. Suerly this would be a good thing. At
the moment dia is just one open source diagraming tool among several (albeit,
a good one).

What plans are there to try to arrive at a std? Without one I do not see the
dominance of Visio ever changing.


Andrew Marlow
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José Mª Martínez Gutiérrez

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