Anyway, thanks to gtk, switching to one or other scheme is just packing and
unpacking boxes in different main windows.

2008/6/13 Lars Clausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Jun 13, 2008, at 8:05 PM, Sameer Sahasrabuddhe wrote:
>  Thanks for changing the subject line ... that was rather careless of me!
>> On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 8:54 PM, Maciej Jaros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  It is convenient until you have 3 other windows and 3 diagrams opened and
>>> switch between them and wan to select shapes in the mean time... Plus
>>> there
>>> are standard shortcuts for switching inner windows - CTRL+TAB /
>> Only 3? I have anywhere between 10 to 20 windows open when I am
>> working on the diagrams I need --- including other applications. I
>> firmly believe that managing windows is the job of a window manager. I
>> use Compiz, and the Scale plugin takes care of just about any issues
>> with switching windows. And the "always on top" sticky bit on the
>> shapes palette is quite useful too.
>> Anyway, I think I am on the verge of starting a completely unnecessary
>> flamewar here. My only point is that neither is a good solution ---
>> single windows or multiple windows --- that fits all uses. Some people
>> are inconvenienced by the current multiple windows, and I am not one
>> of them. When (If?) Dia shifts to a single-window interface, I will be
>> one of those inconvenienced by THAT. It would be great if I had a
>> choice. An even better idea would be to just stick with what we have,
>> and see what happens to Gimp.
>> And yes, before anyone says it, "because that's how (other popular)
>> applications work (on windows)" is not a good enough reason.
> I use and see advantages of both. On a Mac, or if you use click-to-focus, a
> single window is a lot easier. Also, some benighted OSes don't have powerful
> WMs like Compiz. It  is, and should be a choice.
> -Lars
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