I too would like to vote in favor of having both a "Favorites" sheet and
the ability to make custom sheet, and to customize generic sheets.

My use includes "Electronics" which is made up from Circuit and Circuit-2
sheet elements, "Hydraulics" which is 100% my own elements, "Mechanical"
which is mostly welding & fabrication symbols of my own design, and
"Landscaping" which contains a number of custom symbols & a few symbols
from other sheets.

I have made custom sheets for "PCB Layout" and "Carpentry", but these are
currently under development and are nowhere near finalized.

Scaling of custom symbols has always frustrated me, but with learning more
about UML, I may have found ways to overcome that issue.

As mentioned earlier, ability to do rotation of symbols would be a great
addition to dia capability.

The company that wishes to incorporate non-GPL'ed work with dia raises
some interesting questions & issues.  Further study may be needed to insure
that the mixture of GPL'ed and non-GPL'ed does no harm to either entity.


On 07/23/2010 11:35 AM, Ron Wilson wrote:
While I do like the idea of a "Favorites" sheet, I do occasionally
make custom sheets. Usually a mix of shapes from the standard sheetes,
but also some new shapes and even 100% custom.

As for customizing standard sheets, there are times when a sheet
that's just a subset of a standard sheet is very useful, though I find
a sheet that has subsets of 3 or 4 of the standard sheets more useful.

Anyway, I see both Favorite and custom sheets being very useful.

(BTW, I think it was in 0.96, though could have been 0.95, the one
"mix sheet" I could not create was a subset of UML with shapes from
any other sheet. I have not tried again to do this - mostly because it
was only for my own use and I became acustomed to the limit. If I
remember, I will try it again next week.)
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