Le 01/08/2010 17:27, Arv Evans a écrit :
> There would probably be more users creating custom sheets and custom
> symbols
> if the process were more intuitive, or documentation were embedded as a
> pop-up
> within dia itself.
> Question...is it a good idea to have embedded sheets and symbols in
> dia...or should
> they all be added in the user's home directory (/$HOME/.dia in Linux)? 
> Moving
> everything to the user's home directory makes it easier for each user to
> have
> his own custom sheets & symbols.  This is useful in multi-user systems,
> and possibly
> in single-user systems that are used by multiple people.  Having all
> sheets and
> symbols in the user's home directory does add an additional step to the
> installer
> but it also makes the system totally customizable for and by each user. 
> This raises
> issues about documentation and gives the possibility of a customized leg
> of dia
> just for making new, or modifying old, sheets & symbol libraries.

I agree on that, while the custom sheets are still not recorded in Dia
files output (or I missed something), as I already said.

It should be an option to keep compatibility, and would be not a so hard
job to implement (simply use svg <g> and viewports elements should do
the trick, or "tar/zip" archives format to store (in ".diZ" extension?)).

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