Thank you Hans, thank you Michael,

maybe there is a misunderstanding.
I'm sorry I have not expressed myself correctly.

Hans wonders, that nothing happens. Of course something happens: all selected 
objects will be moved, when trying to resize them.
I was willing to correct myself by restating: nothing in relation to my 
intention happend, which was to resize several arrows I selected.
I hope nobody feels offended.
Please replace the expression "demanded" by "intended".

This was a question, if this is not implemented, then it is okay and I am aware 
of it.

>  In quite a long time, 5 years maybe, not a single person has asked for the 
> function you describe.
It sounds to me, if I am trying to do something very rare.
Just to avoid misunderstandings:

Assume we have created a line/arrow and duplicated it 20 times and arranged 
them side by side.
I now would like to lengthen them, but of course all concurrently.
Thats it.

I am not sure, that I would be the only one asking for this function.
Thank you

Am 15.10.2010 um 05:25 schrieb Michael Ross:

> Dear Pooya,
> In response to the following comment
> "Nothing related to my demanded task happens."
> I am issuing the 
> "You should demand a refund" 
> rejoinder.
> This is a great article about Free & Open Source Software (FOSS):
> you can read "Dia" almost everywhere in it that it says Linux.  This is a 
> very good read and cured me of some bad tendencies helping me to understand 
> what I was dealing with and why.
> A final comment.  In quite a long time, 5 years maybe, not a single person 
> has asked for the function you describe.  I am not able to program 
> enhancements to Dia, but I am very grateful for the makers of it and their 
> excellent work.   Every now and then I feel compelled to defend them - it is 
> the best I can do.  I know with certainty that they have limited time to 
> VOLUNTEER to the effort of making Dia better.  
> There is a chance, maybe a large chance, they will choose to fix or enhance 
> things that more than one person wants, instead of this pet peeve of yours.  
> By observation I detect that, because of limited resources, our Dia 
> benefactors prioritize what they choose to work on, to maximize the positive 
> effect they can generate with the least effort, to choose what they do in 
> support of organized and efficient development, and perhaps to work on what 
> interests them personally.
> That being the case, you should make every effort to politely help them 
> figure out what you are talking about, maybe even offer to help make Dia 
> better by your own work.  Becoming publicly frustrated is not likely to cause 
> a lot of activity favorable to your own desires.
> Here is a pertinent excerpt from the link above Section 3. Culture Shock; 3a: 
> There is a Culture:
> Windows users are more or less in a customer-supplier relationship: They pay 
> for software, for warranties, for support, and so on. They expect software to 
> have a certain level of usability. They are therefore used to having rights 
> with their software: They have paid for technical support and have every 
> right to demand that they receive it. They are also used to dealing with 
> entities rather than people: Their contracts are with a company, not with a 
> person.
> Linux users are in more of a community. They don't have to buy the software, 
> they don't have to pay for technical support. They download software for free 
> & use Instant Messaging and web-based forums to get help. They deal with 
> people, not corporations.
> A Windows user will not endear himself by bringing his habitual attitudes 
> over to Linux, to put it mildly.
> The biggest cause of friction tends to be in the online interactions: A "3a" 
> user new to Linux asks for help with a problem he's having. When he doesn't 
> get that help at what he considers an acceptable rate, he starts complaining 
> and demanding more help. Because that's what he's used to doing with paid-for 
> tech support. The problem is that this isn't paid-for support. This is a 
> bunch of volunteers who are willing to help people with problems out of the 
> goodness of their hearts. The new user has no right to demand anything from 
> them, any more than somebody collecting for charity can demand larger 
> donations from contributors.
> In much the same way, a Windows user is used to using commercial software. 
> Companies don't release software until it's reliable, functional, and 
> user-friendly enough. So this is what a Windows user tends to expect from 
> software: It starts at version 1.0. Linux software, however, tends to get 
> released almost as soon as it's written: It starts at version 0.1. This way, 
> people who really need the functionality can get it ASAP; interested 
> developers can get involved in helping improve the code; and the community as 
> a whole stays aware of what's going on.
> If a "3a" user runs into trouble with Linux, he'll complain: The software 
> hasn't met his standards, and he thinks he has a right to expect that 
> standard. His mood won't be improved when he gets sarcastic replies like "I'd 
> demand a refund if I were you"
> So, to avoid problem #3a: Simply remember that you haven't paid the developer 
> who wrote the software or the people online who provide the tech support. 
> They don't owe you anything.
> -- 
>                     Michael E. Ross
>       NC Solar Center Test Laboratory
> =================================
>                (919) 585-5118 best
>               (919) 513-0418 desk
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