Dear Sameer, dear Thimo,

thank you for your support!

@Thimo: I will use your workaround. I will try to adapt this to such lines, 
which are not on the same horizontal line (e.g stepped distribution)


Am 15.10.2010 um 11:34 schrieb Sameer D. Sahasrabuddhe (समीर दिलीप सहस्रबुद्धे):

>> Thank you Hans, thank you Michael,
>> maybe there is a misunderstanding.
>> I'm sorry I have not expressed myself correctly.
> Apologies for butting in out of nowhere, but I find it rather
> unfortunate that Pooya has to write this. As far as I can see, he/she
> (I confess complete lack of knowledge about the name) asked a simple
> question, but the first reply was a sarcastic jargon-packed jab
> (apparently, saracasm can sometimes also be funny) while the second
> was completely out of context. The original poster slightly
> miscommunicated their intention, but so what? At least they were
> willing to ask if there is something they should learn, rather than
> concluding that Dia sucks and then move on.
> Sameer.

Am 15.10.2010 um 11:54 schrieb Thimo Langbehn:
> Dear Pooya,
> the simultaneous resizing of multiple objects is not yet implemented
> in Dia.
> However, in your case i can think of two solutions:
> 1. If you are only interested in same-length arrows, resize the
> arrow before you copy it.
> 2. If you are interested in adapting a bunch of parallel arrows:
>  a) create a (helper) line
>  b) use the context menu to add Connection points to it, one for
>     every arrow
>  c) copy the line
>  d) add arrows and connect their start point to one line, and end
>     point to the other
>  e) color the helper line white (or in the color of your
>     background) and send it to back
>  You can now resize all arrows by moving the two helper lines.

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