At 11.06.2012 11:33, Killian De Volder wrote:
Any comments on the:
"2 possible solution: fix the render engine,
Not sure which engine you are talking about, but maybe it's

But you can influence the resolution of the bitmap already with the currently released version. It is calculated by librsvg from the
width and height given in the main svg tag.

or write some code that extract the SVG data (from multiple files)
and cram it the shape file." part ?
Should work as well - except if your svg is too complicate for Dia to render. The subset of SVG supported by Dia directly (for shapes and import) is comparatively small to the subset supported by librsvg.

This is in part due to SVG's complexity, but also there are a lot of things representable in SVG but not with current Dia's rendering model like gradients, transformations, filters, ... see e.g.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert
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