On 30/01/2014 20:39, Slavko wrote:

My description was verbose with the demonstration at once. It was very
simple, e.g.:

+ take look into shape lists and select appropriate one
+ click on shape and click to workplace to add it
+ select proper line type
+ find the connection point (by change the shape color)
+ select text tool
+ add descriptive name
+ here you can enable snap to grid
+ snapping is as this
+ etc

My students are lazy to read anything (except the facebook ;-) ), they
have a problem to understand the written description at all. Not, they
have not a mental problems (i am not sure with this English term),
but they are modern young people (cca 17-18 years old)...

[I should improve my English too]
Maybe you could upload that description with (localized) captures on Facebook, or, incredibly more fun, by authoring a video (with beer and pizza) you'll upload tu Youtube -- screen recording sucks, but if you has an old 14" cathodic monitor and, more, you film yourself handi webcam /with bearb/, that could rocks ;)
I am not sure now, is somewhere the tutorial in "Get started" style?
No, at least in furbished manuals not in the training course step by step way.

Actually there is the Dia manual, Chapter 2, entitled "Quickstart" (Dia manual is on "help button"), where Chapter 5 would be more relevant to actually quickstart the sketch itself.

Unfortunately Chapter 2 is mostly a text synopsis (1 capture only?), notably linked back once to another section. Also the Manual nodes are sliced to subsections level and that breaks too much the reading flow on most section: sometimes nodes are shorter than that paragraph -- while some nodes would be /really/ too verbose once section level sliced.

That is easily tunable on xsl transformation (from Dia sources) as it is Docbook (I don't remain if done a switch in the Makefile, but I remain Docbook version is 4/xml, so the light combination "xmllint/xsltproc" programs will do the drill -- V5 has only xsl shema and xsltproc would fail to valid).

Even not fluent in English, don't use the Dia manual/Polish version at all as it is really outdated. Even English version has been last revised 2011.

BTW it is really simple to technically author/compile that bloody doc for years. It just need authors :p

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