Greetings, Hans Breuer!

>> Allowing to hide (enable/disable, not delete) whole shape lists is
>> missing too. Now i have a lot of shapes (Debian's package with extra
>> shapes). When i am searching some shape, the list of lists is growing,
>> but i cannot remove individual items from it, only clear whole list.
> I was thinking about this one as well, but did not come up with a good UI 
> idea. Maybe replace the current approach with some autocompleting, 
> read-only combobox of all the shape names?

Not combo-box, PLEASE. Just a search field. Doesn't discard the need for sheet
But the selector should only really list categories, which shapes are used on
the current diagram, unless prompted for more.
Yes it may slow down the initial steps of making a new diagram, but you get
two benefits out of it.
1. Shorter list of sheets, that is always relevant to your current work.
2. When you give your work to someone else, they wouldn't need to wade through
their many sheets to find out, what of them may contain this or that

>> In this list of shape lists i have three shape lists separated by line
>> and they are not deleted with others. But i cannot remember how i add
>> them here :-) Then i cannot change add nor delete these special
>> items now...
> These are not added by you, but the preset is hardcoded in app/toolbox.c

Eh... This should really be user-configurable. IMO.

Andrey Repin ( 31.01.2014, <17:10>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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