No disclaimer is needed. If you look at the log you will see that people
are working on Dia. That does not qualify as discontinued or abandoned -
fewer people are volunteering to help out. As for  the accuracy of "lack of
interest or ability," for all I know some folks are sick, or dying, I have
not seen or heard from Hans for a long time.

Participation by qualified users is down from what it was 15 years ago.
(People who like how Dia works are unlikely to tweak it for no good
reason.)  There was a core of volunteers who worked very hard on it, but
less so now (no offense intended to those still active).  More involvement
would be nice.  I am unaware of another program like Dia, but maybe there
is a better one.

I can't code it myself, due to lack of skill; but I like how it works for
my purposes, so I would be unlikely to spend time on it if I could.

If you don't like, it work on it.  That is how it always has been.  Or you
can go pay for some other package.

I suppose one could submit some sort of disclaimer text and see if it can
be implemented. The folks still submitting changes might take a claim of
abandonment poorly and lack motivation.  No one does these things if they
aren't motivated enough.   If you so inclined, and writing a disclaimer
energizes you, then take care of it.

You all, the participants in this list, are the ones who might have the
interest and ability to implement modern GTK or Python 3. Welcome to open


On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 5:00 PM, Chris Daley <> wrote:

> No, you'd have to really be stretching it to come to that conclusion. The
> questions were fair and reasonable given that the application does indeed
> appear to no longer be maintained and the maintainer(s) no longer appear to
> even be subscribed to or monitoring this mailing list.
> Dia is quite obviously abandoned, the engineering effort required to
> modernize it to GTK and Python 3 being either beyond the interest or
> abilities of its maintainers. In all fairness there should be a disclaimer
> on the website saying that it is no longer being actively developed and
> will probably stop working altogether in a few years. That way unsuspecting
> users won't invest any more of their time in learning a program that has no
> future.
> On Sep 13, 2016 12:27 PM, "Steve Litt" <> wrote:
>> On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 20:03:51 +0000 (UTC)
>> wrote:
>> > How can you not see the (2) questions? They each were followed with
>> > question marks! And what is with the antagonistic response? (note
>> > that there were 2 questions in this message)
>> In all fairness, the antagonism started with the Original Poster's
>> choice of subject. "Dia discontinued" sounds like an accusation, to
>> about the same degree that responses to him sounded insulting.
>> SteveT
>> Steve Litt
>> September 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting
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