On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Brian Bruns wrote:
> BTW, one of the other admins at my work asked me to put a date on the
> document I had given her.  Is there any provision for a date field? (You
> know, the ones that are filled in when printed, or in our case exported
> to EPS) if not I'll cook up an object. Just a quick question, I would
> think the proper place for it is in standard objects, but where do we show
> it on screen? I would think the proper way to do it is to put one of those
> little arrows in the bottom corner of Text icon and have it slide out, ala
> Photoshop, but I have no idea how to implement that. On the other hand it
> would probably be useful for other applications (I haven't seen any other
> gtk apps do this...maybe somebody has done it?).  Of course there are 
> probably alot of these kind of fields possible, date, page number, total
> pages, file name, etc...

I don't know how to implement that either. But it (or something like it)
would be needed so we don't get an icon per field.

It could also be done by adding a generic 'Field' object, which has a
property that says what kind of field it is (date, page #, etc). Then you
could use object defaults to change what kind of object you want to create
(double-click on icon-button in tool-window).

> The other feature I'm interested in is the ability to drag the object tabs
> out of the notebook. For instance when doing my Sybase drawings I have to
> flip between the Sybase tab (forgot to bring them home from work
> today...expect them tommorow evening) and the Network tab.  Pulling them
> into their own window via handle box would be a great convenience.  Has
> anyone investigated this?  

Ohh, doing Dia programming at work? Anyway, you could add the relevant
network objects into the sybase sheet. 

/ Alex

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