Hi Brian,

On Mon, Jun 14, 1999 at 08:58:55AM -0400, Brian Bruns wrote:
> I started working on the generic field (I haven't quite figured out
> an icon for the toolbar yet...but that's another story).  I've picked
> date, time, username, and the GECOS (full name) fields as possible values,
> I'll have to wait on the page number and stuff until printing solidifies
> a bit. My problem is the date/time fields. Does anyone know what the best
> approach to localization is for these (ie xmas is 12/25/99 here in the US,
> 25/12/99 some other places).  My first thought is a drop down list of
> "styles" such as "MMM DD, YYYY" "MM/DD/YY" "DD.MM.YY" etc... the only
> problem is this could get a little unwieldy. Is there any way to figure
> out what might be appropriate for certain locale?

Try "man 7 locale" for a jolly good time. If you decide to use the Unix
locales I would suggest to leave the possibility to customize the data
to the user anyway. A text input field where I could choose any format
I like using the letters M, D, Y and any symbols I would like to use
as seperators would be even nicer than a drop down list.
As a Java programmer I have fought with the way Java tries to figure
out whatever locale setting might be approriate for anything it its
"run anywhere" spirit. This approach sometimes seemed like overkill
to me.

         Andreas Micklei

| Andreas Micklei  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED]    /  Public key |
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