On 26 Aug 1999, Sebastian Fischmeister wrote:

> Hi folks...
> Perhaps my current version is broken, but do you know why it is no
> more possible to open a file from the commandline?
> run_dia.sh blabla.dia
> does not automatically open the file anymore. There is still this $*
> in the startup-file, however, the program seems to ignore the
> arguments.

 Do you use --with-gnome or not? I made some changes to popt detection.
> One more thing which I would appreciate very much if it is possible to
> change it. Currently arrows look like this
>    \
> ---##-
>    /
> I know this ASCII figure shows definitely nothing. Nevertheless I
> would like to have them look like this:
>    \
> ---##
>    /
> There is one pixel too much. You can easily see it if you draw just
> one arrow and magnify it. I guess it is used for connecting to
> points. It would be really great if this point could be removed if the
> line is not connected to a connection-point at that end.

 Umm.. Exactly why do you want this?
> On the whole I really like this program - it is really a f****** cool
> program !!!

 Glad you like it.

/ alex

  • strange... Sebastian Fischmeister
    • Alexander Larsson

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