On 17 Oct 1999, Daniel Wang wrote:
> What confuses me a bit, is that if I double click on objects in the sheets
> or toolbar I sometimes get a property menu. I thought that if I set the
> properties there it would be the "object" default.
> i.e. you think of the toolbar and sheet objects as object factories and
> which and any changing their properties leads causes new objects
> created from them to inherit those new defaults.

Thats the way it's supposed to work. Is there some object where it
doesn't work?

> One feature VISO had that was cool was a custom pallet. I think, I'd be happy
> if their were a "user pallet" where I could copy objects two and then use
> objects in the pallet as object factories. 

Yes, this was one of my original ideas (the idea was to copy it from
Visio of course), but it just hasn't been implemented yet.

> Changing Ctrl-D to duplicate would be a nice feature too... :)

Are you used to that? From what app?

/ Alex

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