The N_() macro does nothing in the compiled program, but the xgettext
program will extract strings marked with it for translation.  You need to
use this rather than _() because structure initialisers need to be
constant.  All you need to remember is to use _(structname->field) to get
the labels to display in the GUI, so that the strings eventually get
translated.  There is probably no point going through and fixing up
references at object initialisation time.



On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, Alexander Larsson wrote:

> > Oh, I noticed that a lot of strings in newzzline.cpp are defined N_()
> > though they seem to appear in the UI (see property_list and object menu).
> > How's i18n to be handled ?
> Well, I'm no expert on i18n (hallon?), but i suppose they have to be
> fixed up at some stage of reading objects.

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