On Fri, 18 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Multiple sheets are needed, but only one sheet should be displayed at a time
> within the current frame.  Remove the tabs as they tend to give the
> appearance of clutter (and some are hard to understand).  Use a drop-down
> selector up top where the tabs currently reside to pick the single sheet you
> want displayed.  This approach would take up less screen real estate than
> popups and accomplishes the same task using much of the framework already
> developed.  You could probably even get by with resizing the current frame
> up a bit to accomodate a bigger displayed sheet (just don't go overboard).
> Include a global properties button on each sheet to set properties for all
> objects on the sheet at once.

This (the drop-down menu to select sheet) is a brilliant idea. I think it
would, in combination with a GtkHWrapBox, be a very nice UI.

/ Alex

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