> Could you tell me more about the problem?
I downloaded dia-bin-2000-02-05.zip and
gtk+-bin-2000-02-05.zip from your site. I put
the gtk+ dlls in C:\winnt\system32\ (I also tried
putting them in the same directory as dia.exe
later). When I run dia, it generates an
application exception error.

Exception: access violation (0xc0000005) address 0x7800533b

I also tried downloading the Gimp for Win32
development library zip files that had dlls
in them (dated 20000215) and that produced the
same error.

I am running NT 4.0sp5 under VMware (I use the
Linux version, but my professor wants Dia available
in the undergrad lab which is all NT). If you want,
I can try booting into NT directly.


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