
My impression has been that dia (as well as many other Open Source projects)
should try to embrace as many different kinds of users as possible (dia has
been ported to other platforms than Linux also).  To me, dia's versatility
and clean interface are what sets it apart from the competition (it's not
just a money thing, you know).  One would hope that FS stays as well as all
the other object types; indeed more types should be added (and hurrahs to
all of you who are working on objects)!


William F. Helke

"Now, if I could just get my employer to ditch this M$ and get a real
operating system!"

-----Original Message-----
From: David Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: Dataflow diagrams?

> (What *does* FS stand for, anyways?)
It stands for "Function Structure" and is kind of like UML for mechanical

> Also, are there any docs anywhere for creating new objects?
Just the source. BTW, after a long absence, I will be posting some
fixes to make the FS stuff work again after the change from 0.4 to 0.84.
I hope FS stays in the distribution, but with everything being a module
and pretty much no mechanical engineers using Linux, I'd understand if
it got the axe.


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