There are three more exports filters for Dia available.
Two of them may be of interest for the whole Dia
community. In detail:

plug-ins/hpgl/hpgl.c - Hewlett Packard Graphics Language
  Exports at least simple geometric commands to the
  common plotter language.

plug-ins/wpg/wpg_defs.h - WPG Definitions
plug-ins/wpg/wpg.c - WordPerfect Graphics Metafile Export.
  This export filter generates WPG 1.0 (as used since
  WordPerfect 5.1). It is tested with WinWord 97 and
  Designer 4.1; but I'm expecting it to work with
  WordPerfect for Linux as well.
  Every renderer function is implemented, only the bezier
  functions produce some strange graphical effects, because 
  WPG's Poly Curve appears not to be compatible with Dia's
  Bezier - or I haven't understood it yet.

plug-ins/wmf/wmf.cpp - Win32 only Windows Metafile Export
  Everything except Bitmaps seems to work. Due to namespace
  conflicts between Dia and <windows.h> (Rectangle) I've
  choosen to implement it in c++ (Win32 in namespace W32).

plug-ins/ - Dia's renderer interface used by all
  the above export filters. 
  Started implementation of renderer helper functions to produce 
  complex (=unsupported) geometrics (like ellipse) by simple (=supported)
  drawing functions (like arc).

It would be nice if someone could compile and test the first two
filters on Linux.

Due to it's size (20K) the archive is not attached, but available at:

Have Fun,
-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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