On Sat, 1 Jul 2000, Guillaume Rousse wrote:

> "Arjan J. Molenaar" a écrit :
> > 
> > > My current version of libxml is 1.8.7
> > 
> > Should be fine...
> > 
> > > I tried reversing to 1.7.3 (the one of Mandrake 7.0). Nothing changed
> > > :-(
> > 
> > Are the .dia files you're using OK? (try 'zcat <dia-file>')
> No problem, either no extension files or .dia files

Obviously we can read our own files without trouble, so there is probably
something wrong with either your system or your dia files.  Could you post
one of the problem files so we can see what may be the problem?

> > Otherwise: find as much info as you can (debug output, error messages) and
> > file a bug report.
> I thought that was the goal of this list. Ok, i'll submit it now.

In your bug report, you gave no additional information.  The versions of
gtk you tried should not have anything to do with whether file
loading/saving works.


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