I didn't get round to answering some of your last lot of feedback.  I
agree that having "reset tools after create" would be good to have as the
default.  As for the move tool, I implemented the type of dragging you
described when you hold down the shift button.  Maybe this should be
default as well?

On 1 Jul 2000, Lars Clausen wrote:

> Here's some more feedback from my local user.  Still on Windows 2000 with
> the 0.85 Windows version of Dia.
> - When a number of objects is selected, properties should affect them all,
>   without having to group them. [I'm not sure which style I prefer, but I
>   see that affecting all selected objects would be more intuitive.]
> - It should be possible to set color, line style, line thickness on UML
>   objects [and Sybase, the rest seem to have this].

At the moment, the UML objects don't really allow configuration of their
presentation, only the data they represent.

Maybe the sybase objects (and most of the network objects) should be
converted to custom objects.  That seems like the easiest way of adding
extra features to these objects (it may not even break compatibility).

> - In the UML Association object, the Multiplicity text is sometimes placed
>   beyond the end of the line (when Side A faces down).
> - UML Generalization: Multiple subclasses should be attachable to the same
>   inheritance line.
> - UML Association: The arrowhead is sometimes drawn on top of the
>   Multiplicity text.

This needs a bit of work.

> - There should be visual feedback for whether Snap-to-grid is turned on.  

Well, in CVS, you can easily tear off the menu with all the display
options, and that will update when you change current diagram.

> and one from me:
> - When dragging a line with snap-to-grid on, the start point is not snapped
>   to connection points, only to the grid.
> -Lars


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