If you think that's fun, you should try what I and a couple of 
colleagues are prepping for: using Dia as a front-end GUI to demo an 
architecture language processing system written in a mixture of Lisp and 
a custom functional language similar to ML...since some of the front-end 
logic will probably be written in Python, too, that means four 
programming languages being used for one demo...

Just to keep people here abreast of how this might be useful to the Dia 
core: the primary additions to Dia I'm working on are a nested diagram 
object type, and an annotation tool which will allow attaching free-text 
notes to any object in a diagram. The annotation tool will probably (at 
least initially) be written almost entirely in Python, but the 
subdiagram type is just a classic C plugin object. Once they're stable 
enough to see the light of public scrutiny, I'll send them to the group 
for a proper thrashing.

Lennon Day-Reynolds
Software Engineer
Kestrel Institute

Hubert Figuiere wrote:

> According to Lars Clausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>I'm back in a semi-functional network world again, but busy.  Partly busy
>>with preparing a seminar about Dia for the NTI (Networks, telecom and
>>internet) conference in Copenhagen the 29th.  Just wanted to hear if
>>anybody has experience with presenting Dia, and what to do/not do.  I'm
>>thinking of making the whole presentation in Dia, just for kicks and not
>>having to switch to somewhere else to demonstrate.
> The thing not to do is IMHO not using Dia to run the presentation, but use
> an image viewer (XV will do it) to run a set of PNG exported Diagrams.
> Another solution is to run the presentation using an HTML photo gallery and
> running it in, say, Mozilla.
> Good luck.
> Hub
> .

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