Well Phil,
I went to your blog entry and read the erudite and cleverly written 
piece only to come to its end and say to myself, "So what is the program 
Apple has built in?"
It would be very nice for you to tell us what it is.
Jim Lerman

Phil Shapiro wrote:
> hi DDN community -
>       for those who might be interested, here's an opinion piece i  
> wrote for the macsurfer.com web site this morning.
>    http://bundleascreencastingprogram.blogspot.com/
>        i feel the same way about screencasting software being bundled  
> with windows, but i didn't write about that in this particular article.
>        if you're a windows user, check out camstudio.  it's a very  
> nice, free screencasting tool. http://www.camstudio.org
>        for extra credit points, try using camstudio with the presentation
> program in openoffice.org to create some narrated slideshows for the web.
>              - phil
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