My apologies:  the reply below was meant only for Adam Clare, but I
forgot to change the e-mail address before hitting "send". So I might
as well explain that the reply refered to an off-list correspondance
about an episode where someone had added spam in the comments to all
the last blog entries then listed in the page, which I had
chanced upon.

Now back to the real topic, the DDN community survey, quoting Adam's
original posts again:

"Hi everyone,

Here at TakingITGlobal, we really like DDN so we'd like to see the
community continue to thrive and improve, and to help do so we'd like
to hear what you have to say about DDN. Clearly people really like
DDN, the activity on this list alone is impressive (thanks to Andy
for the great moderation!) and this year DDN received an Official
Honoree position from the Webbys. A few DDN members have expressed to
me that the site can be improved, and I agree. It's time to update DDN.

Before just arbitrarily doing things to the site, we'd like to get
feedback on the community's needs and wants as well as your thoughts
on the site as a whole. To catch the zeitgeist of the DDN community
we have created a short survey that will not take more than 10min to
fill out. If it takes you longer, that's great because it probably
means you have given us a lot of feedback!

The survey can be found here:

The results of the survey will be shared with the community so we can
all see what over-arching issues are deemed most important and what
parts of the website offer the greatest value. Thanks in advance for
taking time to fill out the survey!

I look forward to the results!

If you have any questions about the survey, DDN, or you just want to
talk, please email me personally at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Adam Clare
Digital Divide Network Lead Editor
+1 416.977.9363 (office)
+1 416.352.1898 (fax)"

to which he then added the better link mentioned in the subject line:

Sorry again, Adam.



On 7/23/07, Claude Almansi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Adam
> I answered the survey a few days ago. But now I would write that the
> top priority is what you wrote me about the "back office" - make it
> easier to detect spammers and "hackers".
> Best
> Claude
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