FYI - this was originally posted on the Community-Based Participatory Research list, which usually is related to health and environmental domains.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [CBPR] Please post this announcement on your listserv: SfAA 2007 call for papers: "Visualizing change: Emergent technologies in social justice inquiry and action”
Date:   Tue, 11 Sep 2007 15:38:50 -0400
From:   Aline Gubrium <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear folks,

I am organizing a panel for the 2008 SfAAs in Memphis, and I would
especially welcome the participation of fellow E-Anthers. Please see
the proposed session abstract below, and please note that the deadline
for paper proposals for this session is Sept. 30.

Aline Gubrium


Proposed Panel for the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Meetings
March 25 - 29, 2008 in Memphis, TN

"Visualizing change: Emergent technologies in social justice inquiry and action"

New visual technologies are changing the ways that anthropologists do
research and opening up new possibilities for collaborative and
participatory approaches. Visual approaches to participatory research
may appeal to wider and more diverse audiences. *These methods produce*
*rich visual and narrative data guided by participant interests and*
*priorities, putting the methods literally in the hands of the*
*participants themselves. **

Emergent visual research technologies may*
*include Photovoice, digital storytelling, blogging, website*
*production, community digital mapping, video advocacy or*
*community-based filmmaking, participatory digital archival research,*
*and bodymapping, among others.*

We invite researchers to present projects applying these methods in
the field. Presentations might address the following issues: ethical
concerns (representational ethics, as well community or cultural
sensitivities); potential audiences (i.e. policy makers or
communicating research beyond the academy); the role of the audience
(both in terms of who is considered in production and exhibition);
*voice, representation, and power; access, capacity, and the digital*
*divide; academics and activist roles; participants as knowledge*
*producers and agents of change; therapeutic process of storytelling;*
*community building; standards of validity; a new lens of*
*participant-observation; and decision making in the participatory*
*research process.*

*We especially welcome researchers working in the arenas of environment*
*and/or public health.*

For further information about the SfAA 2008 conference, please see the
following URL:

If you would like to be considered for this panel, please send a
100-word abstract with a title and your contact information to the
organizers by September 30, 2007.

Organizers: Aline Gubrium ([EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) and Krista

Aline Gubrium
Assistant Professor
School of Public Health and Health Sciences
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
(413) 545-2244

Alice Furumoto-Dawson, Ph.D.
Sr. Research Associate
Center for Interdisciplinary Health Disparities Research
Institute for Mind & Biology
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL - USA


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