Sorry for my english
"Les cahiers du numérique" is a French-speaking
journal edited by Hermes Lavoisier publishing. The objective of
"Les cahiers du numérique" is to treat questions linked to the
evolution of information and communication technologies through the thematic
revues. Several revues have yet been published like Digital
north and digital south by François Soupizet and Laurent Gilles,
Online publication, or Electronic finance. 
The next publication is Penser la fracture numérique (Thiking the
digital divide). 
The last issue listed in the website is dated 2003-4,
because, journals are first published in paper version and digitized
later. I cannot answer to all questions concerning the site. I just have
punctual mission to aim this special revue. I am not part of Hermes &
Lavoisier Publishing, but they give us a space of expression. It is rather
a good idea and topic interests me.
Alain Kiyindou
Strasbourg university, France
 Hem, Professor Kiyindou, could we have some more info about these
> "Cahiers du Numérique" your call for papers apparently is
for? Their
> site <> is not very explicit and a trifle
> nightmarish to navigate, with the page content changing when you
> refresh. And the last issue they list is dated 2003-4.
> Moreover then their terms of use, specifying that articles "can be
> only read on the computer which download it and prerequisite that
> dowload has been done with the reader software. " (i.e. Acrobat
> Reader) make this revue a rather odd venue to publish a dossier on how
> to bridge the digital divide - and particlarly at odds with
> "Mais peut-on re?ellement re?duire la fracture sans se pre?occuper
> la gouvernance ?
> En effet, au-dela? de l'accessibilite?, des usages, des contenus, la
> socie?te? de l'information met
> en exergue une fracture de?cisionnelle en lien avec le choix des
> normes et standards, ainsi que
> le contro?le d'Internet. "
> in the PDF you attached.
> Governance begins at home, doesn't it?
> Best
> Claude Almansi
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 6:43 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [actually attached appel4.pdf but didn't write anything in the
> message, hence the above questions]
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