On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 10:02 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you for your interest, but my level of English is so weak that I'm note
> able to translate the call of paper in english.

Well, I was about to offer to do it for you, Professor Kiyindou but I
read what follows:

> Moreover, we shall keep
> only texts in French, because of difficulties of translation.

Saperlipopette! Pas étonnant que la France prenne un tel retard dans
l'utilisation des technologies numériques. Si ça ne concernait
qu'elle, on pourrait se dire que c'est un juste retour des choses pour
son arrogance linguistique. Le problème, c'est qu'elle entraîne
d'autres pays dans cette voie absurde de l'involution anglophobe: ceux
de l'UE (voir l'immense gaspillage de la bibliothèque numérique
européenne, rien que parce que Jeanneney et Chirac avait tiqué à
l'idée de Google Books [1]).
Mais ce qui est beaucoup plus grave, c'est que les pays francophones
d'Afrique en sont victimes, dans la mesure où leurs programmes de
formation sont encore fortement influencés par la France.
Vous enseignez à Strasbourg, d'accord, mais vous avez aussi participé
au SMSI - vous avez donc quand même dû entendre parler de l'obstacle
au partage de la connaissance que représentent les protections DRM
(cf. les questions de mon e-mail précédent) comme celles qu'utilise
votre revue, non?

[Translation, as the official language of this list is English:
Crikey! No wonder Fance is lagging so far behind in the use of digital
tech. If this was only France's problem, one could say it's a
well-deserved backlash for its linguistic arrogance. Unfortunately,
France draws other countries into this absurd anglophobic involution:
UE countries (see the huge waste of resources involved by the European
digital library, just because Jeanneney and Chirac blew a gasket at
the idea of Google Books[1]) .
But what is far worse is that French-speaking African countries are
also victims of this, in so far as their educational programs are
still strongly influenced by France.
Granted, you teach in Stassboug, yet you participated in the WSIS - so
surely, you must have heard how much DRM protections (see my former
e-mail) like the ones used by your review hinder knowledge sharing,
haven't you?]

Sincerely and flabbergastedly

Claude Almansi
Geneva, Switzerland

[1] About the European digital library:

- "Bibliothèque numérique européenne : quelques dates"

- "France to develop Google 'rival'"
<http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4358871.stm>, BBC News, 17 March
2005, with this pearl: "Mr Jeanneney warned in January that Google's
$200m (£110m) project could result in "the crushing domination of the
US in shaping the worldview of future generations". ":  considering
that the US libraries involved in the Google project have huge
collections of European books - and the involvement of the Bodleian
library - that's a bit odd, to say the least.

- <http://www.europeana.eu>: the site of the European Digital Library
- only in English ...
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