The presidential order was the enabling event that established the SEEDS program, and we have worked hard at staying inside it's definitions. This probably wouldn't be so hard to deal with if our program champion weren't leaving congress. We have only one Senator that isn't up for re-election, and we have contacted him, but I suspect there is a window of time that everything stops between now and the election :-(. Our ware house is on a military installation and is bound up in this.

This may seem off-topic for this list, but I see this sort of thing as bearing on the reasons for the divide, and the mechanics (sometimes flawed) of improving the situation.

Thomas A Webb - Open Source and Educational Resources - For Readers and Thinkers

Phil Shapiro wrote:
thomas, i'm pretty sure your situation is covered by executive order
12999, issued by president clinton, which permits and encourages the
donation of surplus federal computers to schools as well as nonprofit
educational organizations.

here in the washington dc area, federal agencies have been good about
distributing surplus computers to educational nonprofits in accordance
with this executive order.


           i'm hoping the good people from other countries on this email
list might use this
info to convince their governments that surplus computers belong back in
not in warehouses or landfills.

             i'm pretty sure there are still several hundred thousand
surplus government computers sitting in warehouses around the
washington dc area.  some journalist needs to write a story
about the successes -- and non-successes of executive order
12999.  i'd be only too happy to share what i know about both
the successes and non-successes.

              - phil shapiro
                 arlington, virginia

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