In this regard these two websites may be of interest.

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy
E. D. Hirsch, Jr., Joseph F. Kett, James Trefil
Third Edition: Completely Revised and Updated

An alphabetical listing of all terms in the CDD glossary.

David Dillard
Temple University
(215) 204 - 4584
World Business Community Advisor


On Wed, 26 Jan 2005, Andy Carvin wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> The recent conversation about RSS and the subsequent questions about "What
> exactly is RSS?" got me thinking that we need to have a repository on the
> DDN website of commonly used jargon and their definitions. That way, we
> don't have to re-define certain terms on a regular basis for new DDN
> members - instead, we can point them to a definition on the DDn website.
> We've recently installed a wiki on our server
> ( and I think this would be a great use for
> it.  (Since we're talking jargon, a wiki is a website that anyone can visit
> and edit the text., for example, is a wiki that allows people
> to create and edit their own encyclopedia definitions.) We could create
> definitions of terms like RSS, podcasting, blogs, ICT, etc, written
> specifically for the context of digital divide activists, plus link to
> other existing definitions on sites like Wikipedia. DDN members could even
> add their own words over time.
> For starters, I'd like to ask DDN members to email me off-list any terms
> they'd like to see defined. I can them compile a list of them, post them to
> the group, then ask for volunteers to offer definitions, as well as compile
> definitions that have been posted to the list previously. Since  we'll be
> using a wiki, anyone will be able to go to the site, add a definition or
> edit one.
> So, please send me a list of any terms you'd like to see defined, and then
> I'll post a list of them so we can find volunteers to compile definitions
> for them.
> thanks,
> ac
> -------------------------------------------------
> Andy Carvin
> Program Director
> EDC Center for Media & Community
> acarvin @ edc . org
> -------------------------------------------------
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