Thanks to John for bringing this resource disparity to the fore. It
reminds me of the disconnect of environmentalists putting a year's
worth of car driving carbon into the atmosphere for every plane flight
they take to an international conference.

Without someone like Andy tirelessly disseminating the news from these
conferences, the rest of us would be scratching our heads wondering
what is going on. As it is, we are still outside with our noses to the
glass. There is a conference gap in addition to the digital divide.
The sooner we find a way to remedy this the better for everyone.


On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 06:42:29 -0800, John Hibbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 7:01 PM -0500 2/24/05, Jon maddog Hall wrote:
> >WHY do they hold these meetings in Geneva?  Why don't they hold them in the
> >REAL world, say....Nigeria or (dare I say it) Appalacia or Indian 
> >reservations
> >in the South West of the United States?  Or maybe inner-city Chicago...the
> >Digital Divide is not an "African thing".
> If the digital divide is so narrow, why don't they hold them
> virtually? Or, if the digital divide is wide, why don't they hold
> them virtually?
> For those who don't have connectivity, where the divide is wide,
> conference organizers could send bus tickets to the nearest
> telecenter....but if the divide is narrow, anyone of consequence
> could get to a telecenter on foot..or at worst, on bike.
> Like Jim Madddog Hall, this nonsense pisses me off. Plenty of money
> to sit in the front of the airplane and hob-nob in fancy hotels; but
> very little money to provide chalk, water pumps and training to clean
> the chicken coops.
> John Hibbs
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