Hi guys,

I am Kenyan who is interested in the whole story about
the ICT. I have been following your discussions for
over a month and o have immensely learned a lot the
hard way. Mysely i am no an IT person but with the
interest i have the drive to persievere the
technological jargons used inthe dicsussions.

I was encourgaed by the story of the ICT initiatives
in India, the blog stories, VoIP, etc.

My request is that i registered to the network to get
to know more about the network to get the know-how of
the digital divide. 

As you know until now ther is no comprehensive policy
in Kenya to address the ICT perspective in
development. But it is only last month when the
governemnt through the regulatory mechanism of
communication the guidelines on the use of the VoIP
medium and legalize it as a channel for faster and
cheaper communication through the packet switched

Wouldlike be be sensitized on the area and how can
enjoy some of the things you do discuss including
opening up a resource center to educate my fellow
young kenyans to use technology as an alternative to
faster development in this era of globalization. Even
if ti is IEC materials on the same you can mail them
to me.

You will forgive me as i do not have a PC or a laptop
for faster communication as i need to go to the cyber
cafe to surf and read my emails.

Masiga Asunza 

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