Cindy Lemcke-Hoong wrote:

>>Many people are already creating cheap computing for
>>the masses, aside from the Simputer, and they have
>>things that are actually *working*, and don't get as
>>much media spin as Negroponte.
>My question is: what is stopping DDN promoting
>products such as Simputer? These companies are
>generally too small, too short of cash to spend on
>marketing. What is stopping DDN membership to promote
>Simputer (or alike) to NGOs that can benefit from such
>products? I see a win-win situation. 
Well, first I'll make the delineation. The Simputer is an open hardware
product. We can promote the Simputer, but I don't know that DDN should
promote specific versions of the Simputer. That shows a commercial bias.
However, the Simputer itself could be highlighted without commercial bias.

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: San Fernando, Trinidad

Coming on January 1st, 2006:

"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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