First of all, my compliments to Larry Phillips on a well thought out and
well written response.  For those wishing to delve deeply into these
issues, there are two discussion groups (probably amongst many others)
that I recommend for some detailed and excellent discussions in this
subject field.

Coalition for Networked Information
CNI's Copyright Forum


One might also, if interested, consider doing this Google search

"copyright protection" and "who benefits"

Web  Results 1 - 10 of about 689 for
"copyright protection" and "who benefits"

Shortcut URL for the above search:

Sample of Search Results:

University of Pennsylvania : Research at Penn : Business :: Who ...Who
Benefits by Extendi... ... "Fifty years of copyright protection, shouldn't
that be enough? From a purely incentive basis, it doesn't make sense to be

Copyright - Key QuestionsWho benefits from copyright law? Copyright law
protects the person or groups of persons who ... Some materials have a
special term of copyright protection. ...

COPYRIGHT CORNER NOVEMBER The opposite of copyright protection is the
public domain. ... It is difficult to determine who benefits from this
provision or who was lobbying for the ...

CBBC Newsround | Teachers | Citizenship 11 14 | Subject areas ...Who
benefits from copying ideas? Prompt: In the short term, people can make
... of books where an official copy of each was kept for copyright
protection. ...

link to OCDSB homepage Welcome to OCDSB Student Resources HomeWHO BENEFITS
FROM COPYRIGHT LAW? Copyright law protects the person or groups of persons
who ... Some materials have a special term of copyright protection. ...

AWID - Copyright expansion: Undermining the public...COPYRIGHT  WHO
BENEFITS? The development of the Internet and digital technology has
enabled ... With expanded copyright protection occurring in the North, ...

General information about patentsIn particular, the inventor who benefits
from having filed a PCT application ... Copyright protection is available
without your even having to ask for it, ... - 101k - Oct 19, 2005

David Dillard
Temple University
(215) 204 - 4584
Digital Divide Network


On Thu, 13 Oct 2005, Larry Phillips wrote:


> >Does anyone else think it is unethical (as well as illegal) to digitize
> >works that are protected by copyright? Don't the writers and producers
> >of intellectual and artistic property own their works and have the
> >right to control how they are distributed

> To get technical,  the complainants are book publishers who purchased
> First book rights or something similar.  They have been compensated.
> Electronic distribution is a right they haven't purchased or have an
> interest in.  As I point out later, this argument isn't about
> compensating authors.
> >. . .

> >Do we have on this list any authors in the group who depend for their
> >livings (or a part thereof) on the royalties they receive from books,
> >music, film, etc.? And will they continue to publish such works if they
> >can't receive a fair recompense for them?

> In this day and age, copyright isn't used to benefit the creators of
> intellectual property.  It is used to benefit the copyright owner, i.e.
> Harcourt Brace specifically or more generally the media conglomerates
> who have bought the copyrights wholesale.  The media conglomerates
> haven't been satisfied with historical protections and have successfully
> lobbied to extend the length of copyright protection long after the
> death of the author.  In addition, they bully users by using the threat
> of legal action to extend copyright beyond what is intended.  Further,
> recognizing changes in technology, the media conglomerates are requiring
> authors to relinquish more rights (the favoured term is "all rights") in
> exchange for publication.
> In Canada, the media lobbies successfully portrayed all purchasers of
> recordable media as thieves who madly copy everything they can lay their
> hands on.  Consequently, Canadians pay a royalty with every recordable
> media purchase.  This being the case one would suspect copying music
> etc. would be legal -- the royalties are paid.  However, Canadians are
> still being accused of pirating.
> It's off topic but one of my pet peeves is "own the video".  False and
> misleading advertising every time you see it.  You license the video.

> >What will be the long-term impact on intellectual and artistic
> >production if everything is in the public domain as soon as it is
> >published?

> I expect most creators of intellectual property never see any
> royalties.  For example, one condition of recieving a Masters degree was
> granting the National Library of Canada a non exclusive license to copy
> my thesis.  The National Library of Canada assigned the license to 3M.
> Personnel y, I really don't see how this can be legal, but my legal team
> can't compete with the Government of Canada and 3M.  In short, copyright
> may benefit someone -- it isn't the creator.

> >Sarah Blackmun
> >Former Senior Vice President
> >Harcourt Brace Publishing Group

> --

> Larry Phillips
> FutureCraft
> Quantum 2000: Education for Today and Tomorrow
> Finding a Way
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