D Nicole English wrote:
Mebbe all of the founders could be listed...  including yours...!

Nah, we don't need a laundry list of names in our logo. :-)

Is there a list of volunteer duties available somewhere that we could sign up for...? Just to give us an idea of the tasks needed...?

Not yet, because I'm trying to see who is willing to volunteer then discuss the potential duties. Here are some that come to mind:

Management of feature stories DDN homepage
Management and promotion of bulletin board forums (Claude expressed interest in this)
Assisting DDN members with their blogs
Soliciting and editing feature stories
Soliciting and editing of headlines
Watching out for spam (which is increasing as of late)

Are there any other major duties that come to mind? And are their any more potential volunteers? Right now I have four or five names, I believe.

Also... I hate to sound ignorant, but where did the funding for DDN originate from...? and why has it not been renewed...?

The Center for Media and Community was sponsored primarily by the Benton Foundation, with additional money coming from Kellogg, the Annie E Casey Foundation, IDRC and Time Warner Foundation. The cost of relaunching the site last year was largely a Casey Foundation endeavor, with additional support from Time Warner and Benton. Benton was our primary funder, but they decided not to renew their funding for us. We had previously expected funding from them through 2006, but when they changed their mind, there wasn't enough cash left over to support our core administrative duties. So we're basically having to lay ourselves off.

Is there a way that we could pitch in and find more funding for it...?

Honestly, I doubt it. CMC's budget was in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. What I think is more likely is that we may want to explore having a voluntary donation option built into DDN, as well as maybe some kind of CafePress.com-like site for buying DDN-branded stuff - t-shirts, bumper stickers and the like. None of this would probably add up to more than a few thousand dollars a year, but it would certainly help TIG cover certain technical and administrative costs. Something worth thinking about, I guess.

Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org
Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com
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