Hi Andy and all on the list.

I joined the group around a year back and was gradually picking up things
then suddenly I got this touching mail from Andy.
I still doubt ... will DDN be the same without him. But one thing is sure,
he has taken DDN to hieght from where its a smooth sail in a rough wheather.
We sincerely hope that he remains as the guiding force for young ones like


Akif Ahamd
New Delhi (India)

On 11/8/05, Andy Carvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We've recently learned that the primary funding for the activities of
> the Center for Media & Community will not be continued, including
> support for the Digital Divide Network. The Center is therefore in the
> process of closing its doors, and Andrea Taylor and I are preparing to
> leave EDC at the end of November, following our involvement in the World
> Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis.
> Fortunately, this transition will not mean the end of DDN. Over the last
> several weeks we've worked out arrangements for DDN to move its
> operations to TakingITGlobal.org (TIG). As many of you know, TIG is an
> online community of nearly 100,000 young activists in more than 200
> countries. They've played a major role in getting young people engaged
> in bridging the digital divide and other aspects of global development.
> Additionally, TIG has extraordinary skills at designing and maintaining
> large online communities; in fact, they worked with CMC to redesign the
> DDN website about a year ago, so they know the site even better than I.
> Thanks to TakingITGlobal's partnership with IDRC and Microsoft's new
> Telecentre.org <http://Telecentre.org> initiative, a team member from TIG
> will work part-time as
> DDN's online manager, taking over Cedar's former duties. I have every
> intention of continuing as moderator of the DIGITALDIVIDE discussion
> list, as long as it's not a conflict of interest with whoever my next
> employer will be. Otherwise I may eventually seek some volunteers to
> take over list management duties, if that need arises.
> Since DDN will no longer have a full-time staff person managing the
> website, it's necessary to ask DDN members to get more involved in the
> future of the network. We're hoping to recruit a small number of current
> DDN members, perhaps four to six people, who would be willing to
> volunteer as associated editors of the website. These volunteers would
> work with staff at TIG to ensure that the content on the website is
> fresh, relevant and accurate. I'm hoping that these volunteers would
> commit to spending just a few hours a week helping out with the site
> over the next six months as DDN relocates to TakingITGlobal. After that,
> there will probably be a rotating schedule of opportunities for people
> to volunteer for a six-month stretch. We're talking with potential
> funders to pull together a small pot of money that would allow us to pay
> stipends to these volunteers, but that may or may not happen. But I'm
> really hoping that some of you will express interest in volunteering
> nonetheless; the future of DDN is at stake. Please email if that's the
> case.
> DDN's move to TIG opens up many exciting possibilities. TIG is one of
> the few online communities of its kind to achieve scale, and I'm
> confident that the lessons they've learned running TakingITGlobal.org
> will benefit the future growth of DDN as well. Additionally, since DDN
> will no longer be managed by a US-based nonprofit (TIG is in Canada), it
> will be easier for DDN members based in the U.S. to advocate for digital
> divide-related policy positions online, something that has been
> restricted by U.S. law until now. Also TIG's involvement with the new
> Telecentre.org <http://Telecentre.org> network will help forge a larger
> network of digital
> divide activists from around the world.
> While I realize it's impossible for an online community of nearly 9,000
> people to keep this a secret, I'd like to have a dialogue just on the
> list in the next few days to talk about the best ways to make DDN work
> as a more volunteer-driven entity. Meanwhile, Andrea and I will meet up
> with TakingITGlobal's leadership in Tunis next week at WSIS; we plan to
> make a broader public announcement about DDN's transition to TIG next
> Thursday, November 17.
> It's been an amazing six years with DDN - four years at Benton, two at
> EDC. So this is quite a bittersweet moment for me. At least I know,
> though, that DDN has reached the size and maturity to succeed well after
> I'm gone; and with TakingITGlobal taking it over, I know it'll be in the
> best of hands. Thanks to everyone who's made my involvement with DDN a
> pleasure all these years - it's been an honor working with you.
> --
> -----------------------------------
> Andy Carvin
> Program Director
> EDC Center for Media & Community
> acarvin @ edc . org
> http://www.digitaldivide.net
> http://katrina05.blogspot.com
> Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com
> -----------------------------------
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