I put up a few photos I took the other day at WSIS, of the Laptop physical mockup, a Beta running version which I got to play with for a couple of minutes, and the interested crowds, as seen from inside the booth. There are also a couple of shots from the UNESCO meeting on making the Knowledge Society work, where Nick Negroponte had an interesting exchange with the Communications Minister of (I think) Mali, who was trying to decide how much of his budget to spend on ICT infrastructure.

Take a look at:

Other Subject: Negroponte also made a controversial prediction, during a discussion of multilingualism, that at some future time, there would be one world language, and the "Local" languages would be "Second languages". Pressed on what the "Universal" language would be, he said "A mixture of English and Chinese"...

Regards, Terry King  ...On The Mediterranean in Carthage, Tunisia
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