DOT-COMments eNewsletter - December 2005 (Issue 14) 
Index page: 

Follow the links to the full articles online:

1. A Unique ICT Development Project in Cambodia: Provincial Business e-Learning 
- dot-GOV 

2. Africas e-Learning Program in ICT Policy and Regulation - dot-GOV 

3. dot-ORG Supports USAID at WSIS and Related Events in Tunis 

4. Low-energy Internet for Education - Where Electricity is a Challenge 

5. Overview of Last Mile Initiative Activities Managed by dot-ORG 

6. Community Education Facilitators in DRC Build on Local Strength 

7. The Yemeni High School Internet Pilot Project 


1. A Unique ICT Development Project in Cambodia: Provincial Business e-Learning 
- dot-GOV

Cambodia is a country undergoing rapid changes, including a keen demand for 
access to higher education among rural youth. The major centers for 
post-secondary school education are mainly located in the capital city, Phnom 
Penh. Although recently there has been a proliferation of private universities 
these programs are lecture-based and require students to attend regular 
scheduled classes. Distance education and/or independent study options are hard 
to find in government or private universities. To jump-start on-line learning 
in rural areas, The Asia Foundation (TAF) proposed using as an access point for 
virtual learning five Community Information Centers (CICs) created by USAID in 
all Cambodian provinces. 
Read more at .

2. Africas e-Learning Program in ICT Policy and Regulation - dot-GOV

The Network for Capacity Building and Knowledge Exchange ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
has created a truly unique on-line learning program that is changing the way 
policymakers think about ICT policy reform. NetTel is an African Network 
created for capacity building and knowledge exchange in ICT (information and 
telecommunications technology) policy, regulation and applications. NetTel is a 
successful example of an USAID Global Development Alliance program, where 
partners from Africa and the U.S. work toward establishing sustainable 
processes that allow the Network to grow beyond U.S. partnerships and funding. 
Read more at .

3. dot-ORG Supports USAID at WSIS and Related Events in Tunis 

dot-ORG supported both the World Summit on the Information Society and the 
USAID Asia Near East Regional Information Communication and Technology program 
in Tunis in November 2005. Read more at 

4. Low-energy Internet for Education - Where Electricity is a Challenge 

On December 8, 2005, dot-EDU set up a low-cost, low-energy using lab in rural 
Uganda that may be just the solution for places where electrical problems 
(surges, brief cuts, and brownouts) tend to damage ICT equipment. Read more at .

5. Overview of Last Mile Initiative Activities Managed by dot-ORG 

Over the past year, dot-ORG has become increasingly involved in USAIDs Last 
Mile Initiative. Last Mile Initiative keys to success are innovative technology 
solutions that extend connectivity from the edge of existing networks to the 
underserved, innovative business models that make the extensions of 
connectivity profitable and the development of innovative content and 
applications for users to turn their connectivity to strong advantage. dot-ORG 
is now implementing LMI projects in four countries (Macedonia, Paraguay, 
Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia) and undertaking an impact assessment activity with an 
initial assessment in Peru. Read more at .

6. Community Education Facilitators in DRC Build on Local Strength

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, dot-EDUs Improving Basic 
Education/Stratégies Intégrées pour une Education Equitable et de Qualité 
(SIEEQ) project has been working to 1) improve the quality of basic education 
through innovative teacher training; 2) provide teachers and students with 
increased access to learning materials, textbooks, and kits; 3)increase 
community participation in education, management and outreach activities; and 
4)increase and improve girls' participation in school. A previous article 
brought attention to the issue of women's empowerment. This article focuses on 
activities supporting community involvement in childrens education and the role 
of community education facilitators. Read more at .

7. The Yemeni High School Internet Pilot Project

The Yemeni High School Internet Project is a three year initiative funded by 
the Middle East Partnership Initiative, through USAIDs dot-EDU project. This 
article provides an overview of the project's progress towards reaching its 
objective of improving teaching and learning through ICT, with a strong 
emphasis on increasing girls' access to ICT. Read more at . 

Best regards,
Barbara Fillip, Ph.D.
Evaluation & Communication Specialist
DOT-COM Alliance 
(202) 884-8003

Academy for Educational Development (AED)
Center for Applied Technology

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