"Refocusing Our Youth: From High Tops to High-Tech"

National Urban League and the National Leadership Council on Civil Rights
Urban Technology Summit

Remarks by Larry Irving
Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
June 26, 1998

[as prepared]



Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 05:29:58 EST

"Refocusing Our Youth: From High Tops to High-Tech"

National Urban League and the National Leadership Council on Civil Rights
Urban Technology Summit  Remarks by Larry Irving Assistant Secretary for
Communications and Information National Telecommunications and Information
Administration U.S. Department of Commerce June 26, 1998
[as prepared]

Good morning. I'm delighted to be here to talk about a subject that is
particularly important to me: the impact of communications technology in our 
communities. I want to commend the National Urban League for holding this
conference on this topic - one that should be of paramount concern to all of 
us. In
particular, I'd like to thank Hugh Price and Keith Fulton for their efforts
in launching this conference. For those of you who don't know, Keith is already
practicing what we are preaching today. His Technology Access Centers make
information technology and services available to four underserved communities.
I'd also like to thank Wendy Petties of the Urban League, not only for her
efforts in this conference, but also for her excellent work moderating a panel 
the White House Content Conference in California two weeks ago.

No issue is more important than ensuring that our communities, particularly
our children, obtain access to new technologies and become technologically
literate. Our nation's problems can't and won't be solved entirely by new
technology, but these new technologies are tools that we can use to make 
changes in our communities. President Clinton and Vice President Gore have
made it a national priority to provide every citizen access to computers so that
they can obtain the skills needed to succeed in our increasingly technological
economy. Many of you probably remember that Ron Brown also challenged us,
five years ago, to connect our urban communities to the "information
superhighway" through his "Get Connected" program. The time is long overdue for 
us to meet
Ron Brown's challenge.

The Technological Revolution

It is vital that our schools and communities recognize the importance of
technological training and literacy. As we enter the 21st century, we are
increasingly becoming a technological society. Remember when we thought ATM 
were a big deal? Now, more and more of us are turning to Internet, not only to
send e-mail, but to do our banking, pay bills, or make purchases. According
to a report released by the Department of Commerce in April, traffic on the
Internet is doubling every 100 days. In 1997, 2.7 trillion e-mails were sent
globally. In 1996, only 34% of the Fortune 500 companies had World Wide Web 
last year, 80% had web sites. Dell Computers is now selling $5 million in
computers over the Web every day.

So it shouldn't surprise anyone that an increasing number of jobs require
skills in information technology - skills that many Americans lack. The Bureau
of Labor Statistics anticipates that, between 1996 and 2006, the United States
will require more than 1.3 million computer scientists and engineers, systems
analysts, and computer programmers. These are jobs that pay, on average,
$46,000 per year, compared to $29,000 per year for traditional manufacturing 
And who knows what technical skills will be required thirty or forty years
down the road? I have heard that 80% of all jobs that will exist in the next
century don't exist today. We will be using technologies that we have not yet
fathomed, and our children will need the skills to adapt to those new 
as well.

Currently, the number of jobs in the information technology sector is
greatly outpacing the number of skilled workers in this area. At least 10% of 
jobs in the high-tech industry (or 346,000) remain unfilled. The high-tech
industry attributes this labor shortage to a lack of skilled labor. Software
companies have said that the recruitment of skilled workers now tops their list 
business concerns. The shortage of skilled labor has reached the point that
high-tech companies are now lobbying Congress to increase the number of workers
that can be hired from foreign countries.

These companies claim that they need to rely on foreign expertise because the
expertise is lacking at home.

Our challenge is to educate our students and communities so that they can
successfully participate in this high-tech economy. Other countries recognize
the value of computer training to their children's education and their economic
growth. In China, for example, parents typically spend a year's salary to buy
a computer for their child.

Yet in this country, a significant portion of our children - particularly
those in low-income and minority communities - simply are not receiving the
training they need to prepare them for the high-tech future. The most recent 
from the National Center for Education Statistics showed that wealthy schools
were 2 〓 times more likely to have Internet access in classrooms than poor
schools -- 36% vs. 14%. And we all know that wealthier children are more likely
to have access to computers at home, as well.

This "digital divide" between the information "haves" and "have nots" will
stunt the development of our urban communities, if we let it continue. Our
inner cities have the highest unemployment rates in the nation. Meantime, 
from low-income, urban neighborhoods are effectively shut out from high-tech
jobs, which pay, on average, 73% more than the average private sector job.
Ideally, our inner city youth would have an equal shot at becoming new Silicon
Valley millionaires. Yet a very small fraction of these new computer
millionaires are African-American or Latino.

The Administration's Efforts to Bridge the Digital Divide

The Clinton Administration has launched several programs to reduce the
technology gap between our affluent and low-income communities. Two years ago, 
his State of the Union Address, President Clinton challenged the country to
connect every classroom by year 2000. The Administration worked hard to ensure
that the 1996 Telecommunications Act included discounts for schools and
libraries that were purchasing telecommunications services, Internet access, and
classroom connections. Although this program has come under recent challenge,
particularly on the Hill, the Administration has continued to support the need 
a discounted "education rate" - or e-rate - for schools and libraries.

The Administration, through NTIA, also initiated a demonstration program,
providing grants to non-profit and public entities that are using electronic
services in innovative, and socially useful, ways. The Telecommunications and
Information Infrastructure Assistance Program (TIIAP) has funded 332 projects in
all fifty states, including projects assisting low-income neighborhoods in
getting access to on-line health care information and to job bank databases.
Unfortunately, Congress is now threatening to cut the level of funding for 
despite the program's success.

Finally, the Administration has also surveyed computer use throughout
America's communities to determine the extent of the "digital divide." The 1995
White Paper, entitled "Falling Through the Net: A Survey of the 'Have Nots' in
Rural and Urban America," determined that information "have nots" are
disproportionately found in the country's urban and rural areas. Those 
statistics are now
being updated, and a new survey will be released later this year.
These efforts, though they serve as significant models, are but a drop in
the bucket in terms of what we need to do to connect our communities. We must
gather more information on access to technologies, and we all need to do more to
ensure that our communities receive the training and access to information
services that they need.

The Straight-A Challenge

Today, I challenge all of you here to assist in this process. Your
organizations can play a critical role in motivating our communities and our 
youth to
understand the importance of becoming technologically literate and to make them
feel comfortable with information technology. Your organizations are also in
the best position to find the resources to purchase computers and improve
informational services in your communities. Finally, you can think about ways to
train our teachers and students so that they can master the skills they need.

Our efforts are needed in at least three areas: what I call "access,"
"aptitude," and "attitude." It's a triple-A plan, and we need to begin work in 
of these areas immediately if our students are going to win straight As in
technological literacy. I challenge each of your organizations to take 
steps in these areas.

Access. As I've discussed, many of our communities and students lack access
to new technologies. We need more information about this technology gap.
For example, we need more information on whether computers or laptops are
available at the schools, community colleges, and universities in your
communities. Many universities have a wealth of technology available to their 
Some universities, such as Duke, Stanford, the University of North Carolina,
and others, even require that students bring a PC with them when they enroll.
NTIA plans to conduct a study of the information technology available in
Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-serving institutions,
tribally-controlled community colleges, and other institutions of higher 
To conduct such a study, however, we need resources and assistance from
organizations like yours.

We also need to think of creative measures to bring computers and
information services to our urban communities. One way is through community or
neighborhood centers. As valuable as schools and libraries are, community 
centers reach
segments of the population -- such as the unemployed or elderly -- that might
not use a school or library. Community centers are also natural places for
after-school programs that can foster creative learning opportunities.
NTIA's TIIAP program has had particular success in serving urban
neighborhoods through neighborhood computer centers.

One program we funded is "Plugged In," a program in East Palo Alto,
California, which operates a community access center with computers and Internet
access. Students can drop in after school to take computer training courses or 
Internet. The students have now developed "Plugged In Enterprises," a program
in which the kids are operating their own computer services businesses by
producing World Wide Web pages for local businesses.

Another program is the National Urban League's Technology Access Center
project, which is making information technology available to community
organizations in Baltimore, Binghamton, Roxbury, and Newark. Each center uses 
to assist neighborhood residents with literacy training, preparing for the GED,
and employment searches.

The York Community Asset Project, another TIIAP grantee, provides a central
database for residents in one of York's most economically depressed
neighborhoods. The database allows residents to identify community assets, such 
rental housing or nearby clinics. By consolidating information on one database, 
community can also track its economic development.

As I mentioned before, Congress is now threatening to reduce TIIAP's
funding. A letter I received this morning from the Interactive Media Management
stresses why this program is invaluable and should not be cut.

"On behalf of the Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee of San Diego, I
managed a community network that was funded by a TIIAP grant in 1996. We set up
fifteen public access terminals in some of San Diego's poorest neighborhoods,
developed a multilingual training program, and taught hundreds of parents,
students, small business owners and social service agency staff how to find and 
the resources of Internet. There is no way these people would have access to
this information without TIIAP - the current E-rate guidelines would not have
provided for access in the high-traffic community centers . . . that we were
able to serve. Every day we saw examples of the impact that information could
have on people's lives; parents researching healthcare information for disabled
children, students finding scholarships through after-school programs, and
entrepreneurs locating customers and suppliers."

I encourage you to make your communities and constituents aware of the
projects funded by TIIAP, which are listed on NTIA's website at 
www.ntia.doc.gov. I
also urge you to consider getting existing centers in your community, such as
the YMCA, Boys & Girls Clubs, your church or athletic club, involved in
providing technical training.

Additionally, we need to make sure that all of our schools, not just those
in affluent suburban communities, obtain computer technology. One way to
accomplish this is through a community "NetDay." "NetDays" have been described 
"electronic barn-raisings," bringing together community volunteers and companies
to wire neighborhood schools. There have been very few "NetDays," however, in
inner city neighborhoods. I encourage you to bridge this gap by bringing your
neighborhoods, schools, and businesses together to create "NetDays" in your
own communities. You are in the best position to motivate the communities and
explain why information technology is important. You are also in the best
position to identify Internet service providers or other telecommunications
companies that can dedicate equipment, training, and funding to these schools.

Imagine what could be accomplished if every NAACP, Urban League and LaRaza local
chapter, every fraternity and sorority, every professional organization, every
church, and every bowling league adopted a high school and conducted a "NetDay."

There are numerous funding sources, including public funds, available for
"NetDays." For example, the White House will be hosting a Community Empowerment
Conference, along with the NextDay to NetDay Coalition, on July 14-16 in
Washington, D.C. That conference will explore ways that empowerment zone block
grants can be used to wire schools in Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community
(EZ/EC) communities. I encourage you to learn more about this conference, as 
well as
explore other funding sources such as state vocational education programs.

Aptitude. As important as it is to provide the hardware, we also need to
provide students training in using new technologies. We know what high-tech jobs
will be available between now and 2006. The next step is to talk to the
high-tech companies about skills our students should learn so they can be 
to fill these jobs. Why are we talking about importing skilled workers, when
we should be talking about imparting work skills?

We also need to get more high-tech companies involved in the training
process. A number of computer companies are already operating computer training
programs for teachers and students. Cisco Systems, for example, has teamed up 
schools across the country and is now operating a "Network Academy" in every
state. These academies train teachers in computer skills so that they can, in
turn, teach their students how to use new technologies. Students who pass four
levels of Cisco training are then eligible for jobs with Cisco Systems
straight out of high school. I understand that, in the first pilot effort at the
Thurgood Marshall School in California, a number of students finished the
four-level program. One went to college; the others went to work with Cisco.
Recently, Cisco Systems pledged that it would establish a Networking Academy in 
empowerment zone that wants one.

While computer literacy is essential, we also need to train our students in
high level math and science skills. According to the National Action Council
for Minorities in Engineering, these skills are particularly lacking among
minority students. Only 6 percent of blacks and Latinos take pre-calculus or
physics in high school. We need to work with our schools to improve these 
levels of

Some high-tech companies are also devoting resources to improve these
long-term skills. Hewlett-Packard, for example, has committed $5 million to 
universities to improve math and science programs in local schools.

Hewlett-Packard has also created an e-mail mentorship program, through which 
can e-mail their math or science questions to a telementor. That program can use
the expertise of volunteers without requiring much of their time or that they
live nearby.

There are a variety of programs and resources such as these. If a program
does not already exist in your community, I urge you to challenge businesses to
consider creating one tailored to your community's needs.

We also need your help to engage our communities' best and brightest to
become involved in the lives of our rising stars. I'm a real fan of mentoring 
know that I wouldn't be where I am today without it. We should be thinking
about internship opportunities, which can really make a difference to a student.
Last night, I attended a reception for Media Careers for Minorities, a group
that provides internships to minority students in television and radio. I met
Lisa Setrini, a young woman from Miami, who learned how to design Web sites
while she was an intern at MSNBC last year. This year, Lisa has started her own
Internet company and already has two partners and three employees. We should
consider creating a new program called "New Media Careers for Minorities" that
would give more minority students similar kinds of internship experiences in
the high-tech field.

Attitude. Finally, we need to make sure that our students and communities
feel comfortable with new technologies and are aware of the importance of 
ch skills. As President Clinton said in his Commencement Address at M.I.T.,
"all students should feel as comfortable with a keyboard as a chalkboard; as
comfortable with a laptop as a textbook." Bringing about this change may be the
toughest task ahead of us.

The more contact our communities have with information technologies, the
more likely they will feel competent using them. Meantime, we need to convince
our communities and students that it is worth their time mastering computer
skills. Most kids would rather grow up to be Michael Jordan than Bill Gates and
spend time on a basketball court than in a computer room. In fact, earlier this
year Sports Illustrated reported that 57% of all African-American males expect
to be a pro-athlete, even though there are only 2,400 professional athletes
in America. Compare that with the 22,000 Microsoft employees with stock options
worth at least $1 million. We need to teach our kids that the chance of
achieving fame and fortune is far less likely through the NBA than through
technology. Silicon Valley, for example, produces 62 new millionaires every 
day. Our
children should know as much about Paul Allen (the co-founder of Microsoft and
owner of the Portland Trailblazers) as Paul Pierce, and as much about Michael
Dell (whose net worth increases by at least $100 million a month) as Michael
Jordan (who earns $100 million a year). And our children should have a shot --
better than a three-pointer -- at being one of those computer success stories.

I encourage you to be inventive in considering how to reach out to kids and
communities. We might partner with ad agencies to promote industry leaders
such as Kim Polese, the young founder of the high-profile start-up called
"Marimba," or David Ellington, the founder of "NetNoir." We should invite these
leaders to schools and community events to demonstrate the programs they have
created. If our communities can spend as much time idolizing our high-tech 
as they do our sports stars, then our children will finally believe that, they
too, can achieve success in the high-tech world.

Conclusion. I've already outlined an action plan that I realize could
consume all of our energy and time. We need to provide our communities access 
to new
technologies, such as through community centers and by wiring our schools. We
need to raise the aptitude of our students in using these technologies by
finding training opportunities in computers, math, and science. And we need to
change the attitude of our communities so that they realize that being
technologically literate is as -- no, more -- important than having a good 

Now, I want to add one more essential item. Today's Urban Technology Summit
will likely generate numerous ideas from our community and government leaders.
After these discussions, it would be especially useful if we could sit across
the table from the leaders of the technology industry. I therefore propose
that the National Urban League convene another Urban Technology Summit that
would include, not only the distinguished leaders here today, but also industry
leaders such as Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, John Chambers, Michael Armstrong,
Ivan Seidenberg, and other CEOs. Just as the Rainbow Coalition is making inroads
into Wall Street, we need to make inroads into the world of telecommunications
and information technology.

Let's sit down with the high-tech industry leaders and find out what they
think our schools should be teaching so that students can become employees in
their companies. Let's find out how to create a new class of entrepreneurs in
our communities. Let's talk about getting minority businesses on line using this
new technology and becoming e-commerce participants. And let's discuss how to
use this technology to improve our society. Remember, this technology is not
just about money and jobs, it can be used to uplift our communities and
promote democratic and religious values. We need frank discussions with these
leaders, and should not let much time escape before convening the next summit. 
can, and should, be a win-win for all.

I'd like to close with a quote:

"There can be no gainsaying of the fact that a great revolution is taking
place in the world today . . . that is, a technological revolution, with the
impact of automation and cybernation . . . . Now, whenever anything new comes
into history it brings with it new challenges and new opportunities. . . . [T]he
geographical oneness of this age has come into being to a large extent through
modern man's scientific ingenuity. Modern man through his scientific genius
has been able to dwarf distance and place time in chains. . . . Through our
scientific and technological genius, we have made of this world a neighborhood
and yet we have not had the ethical commitment to make of it a brotherhood. But
somehow, and in some way, we have got to do this."
That was Rev. Martin Luther King, March 31, 1968.

Bonnie Bracey
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