Hi Steve

Actually, Marc has a lot more to say if you google his several web sites. 

Never-the-less, your point is well made. The question that one must ask, of
course, is whether the current print literacy has been driven off the deep
end by scholars dancing on the heads of pins. One routinely hears the
complaint that legal documents are designed to obfuscate with clever word
smithing when the rhetoric and intent don't mesh as we have seen with the
Enrons of the world. Academic texts and cultural studies seem to mince
words to the joy of the academics but seen to be irrelevant to those who
are starving. The same with the WTO and neo-classical economics with its
addition of numeracy.

One has to remember that somebody is programing these visual worlds and the
folks behind the "games" such as Sim City are not without social
consciousness and philosophy.

So, maybe there are valid reasons for the rejection of the analog and its
arcane presentations?


tom abeles

Original Message:
From: Dr. Steve  Eskow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 18:27:07 -0800
Subject: [DDN] Are digital natives analog immigrants?

A growing body of literature argues that, in Steven Jones' words, EVERYTHING
BAD IS GOOD FOR US. Television is good for us: makes us smarter. James Paul
and concludes that they have a lot to teach us.
And yet...
And yet there is the possibility that the ability of college graduates to
read complex materials is declining sharply. Or so says the recent National
Assessment of Adult Literacy.
If the Assessment's findings hold up, the remaining question is, of course:
Is the ability to read complex texts important in the 21st century? And if
it is, are the digital natives  well equipped for survival, much less
leadership, in the 21st century?
One popular and increasingly influential retailer of the thesis that the new
generation of cell phone and iPod and computer communicators is a new breed
of human with facilities adapted to work and citizenship in the 21st century
is Mark Prensky
Here is Prensky:
<<Natives and Immigrants
Why do I call these young computer enthusiasts and organizational activists
"digital natives"? Think about the extraordinary cumulative digital
experiences of each of these future business, military, and government
leaders: an average of close to 10,000 hours playing video games; more than
200,000 e-mails and instant messages sent and received; nearly 10,000 hours
of talking, playing games, and using data on cell phones; more than 20,000
hours spent watching TV (much of it jump-cut-laden MTV); almost 500,000
commercials seen - all before they finished college. At most, they've logged
only 5,000 hours of book reading.
This generation is better than any before at absorbing information and
making decisions quickly, as well as at multitasking and parallel
processing. In contrast, people age 30 or older are "digital immigrants"
because they can never be as fluent in technology as a native who was born
into it. You can see it in the digital immigrants' "accent" - whether it is
printing out e-mails or typing with fingers rather than thumbs. Have you
ever noticed that digital natives, unlike digital immigrants, don't talk
about "information overload"? Rather, they crave more information.>>
"Multitasking" means to Prensky the ability to IM with friends while
attending to a college lecture or reading a book. Or getting all that a
television documentary has to offer while attending to the captions
scrolling below.
College faculty throughout the US, and perhaps elsewhere where the new media
are ubiquitous, will testify to the difficulty the digital natives have with
the printed word. They resist reading even moderately difficult texts, and
often refuse to buy textbooks, sometimes acknowledging that the words on the
pages make little or no sense to them.
The digital natives may be analog immigrants
If this is so, if there are several grains of truth here, what should our
colleges and universities do about the New Illiteracy?
Two possibilities quickly suggest themselves.
The first: acknowledge that print literacy is dissolving and eroding and
morphing into something else, and convert instruction and instructional
media to that something else.
The second: acknowledge that print literacy is the central literacy needed
by those who function in the 21st century, and turn the attention of our
best minds to the problem of how  to save and enhance it.
Steve Eskow

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