Lars Hasselblad Torres wrote:
Dave, thank you for the Drupal pointer. I already use CivicSpace actually,
and one of the things I am looking to do is set up a system whereby people
can MMS (multimedia post) to a shared blog. I am sure its coming, but I
haven't seen a module yet for integrating picturephones.
How is it that you see the pictures coming in via picturephone? Is it by
email, or...?
One thing I like about blogger is how easy it is to set up an MMS (mobile
blog post) -- but what I am not so happy with is that its not so easy to
just "give away" an email address to which anyone, or a registered user, can
post to.
If it's a Mobile blog post that you want, there is an SMS module for
Drupal. If you want to roll your sleeves up there is also the Asterisk
Server module, which will take incoming calls (and place outgoing ones,
for that matter).
Hope that helps clarify what I'm looking for. Weren't systems like this set
up post katrina to help people find one another?
One of those things was ARC. But we didn't integrate a picturephone,
since if you can't get voice out, it's unlikely you can get a picture
out. It was a basic SMS->Email/website setup. What you may be thinking
of is Sahana, which has other features for disaster management which
would include images, but I don't know that they integrated mobile
phones in the way you are speaking of.
The phone image thing is not something I have done before, but I'm sure
it can be done. It's just 1s and 0s. If you can better help me
understand this, I can put some feelers out... Offlist me if you want,
so we don't have to burden the list too much with Geekese. :-D
Taran Rampersad
Presently in: San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago
Looking for contracts/work!
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