Thanks very much indeed, Cindy. I'm volunteering some assistance to a wifi community network due to roll out soon in a housing development with a high percentage of Cantonese speakers. I personally hadn't known prior to your message how close written Cantonese is to Mandarin. So, yes, it would also be helpful to be able to provide written materials for beginners in Mandarin or other Chinese dialects with similar writing systems. I know that the work of Gideon and colleagues is very highly regarded, so I'm confident that what he's sending will be a good start.
   - Stephen

On Fri, 24 Feb 2006, Cindy Lemcke-Hoong wrote:

Hello Stephen,

As far as I know, when it comes to written form, we
all use Mandarin/Chinese. Although there is such thing
as 'written Cantonese' but there are only very few
characters that are peculiar to Cantonese speakers.
And to a certain extent the sentence constructions can
be slightly different from Mandarin. Or other Chinese

Therefore basically it dosen't matter if one is
speaking Cantonese, Mandarin or Shanghainese, for
example, the 'written form' are the same. Only the way
we pronouce the words are different. And if you think
it is crazy among the Chinese, actually you can show
the Chinese characters to the Korean or Japanese, they
would understand what they mean but again will prounce
in their own tongue (that is if the Japanese and
Korean you encoutered do know how to read Chinese or

Sorry for the long explaination. But perhaps what you
are looking for is Mandarin/Chinese materials?



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