On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Benji Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Benji Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Bill Baxter wrote:
>>>>>> Anyone using a shell for Windows that works and supports UTF-8
>>>>>> properly?
>>>>> A regular Windows console supports UTF-8 to some extent:
>>>>> * Change console font to Lucida Console
>>>>> * issue "chcp 65001"
>>>>> You can even get more fonts into there with a bit of hackery.
>>>> I did that but "type <filewith-utf8.txt>"  still prints garbage.
>>> That's weird. My machine (WinXp Sp3) has no problem printing UTF-8 to the
>>> console. The only special thing I did was changed the font to Lucide
>>> Console.
>> Ok.  Thanks for the info.  Knowing that it has actually worked for at
>> least one person gives me motivation to try again.
>> --bb
> Write a tiny little D program and see what you get on the console:
>   import tango.io.Stdout;
>   void main() {
>      Stdout("spade, club, heart, diamond: \u2660\u2663\u2665\u2666");
>   }
> I don't know anything about the "type" command, and whether it supports
> UTF-8. But the console itself ought to be able to handle it. Try compiling
> the above code and see what happens.
> --benji

Ah, I see.  I guess more what I want to know is if I had utf-8 source
code and the D compiler spit out a message about one of the lines,
would that error message come out as garbage?  Same for ddbg -- if I'm
debugging and say "ps" for "print source" will the result be garbage.
  I was thinking that "type" would be a simple test if that sort of
thing would work.

But maybe type is just borked.  I did try "cat" and "more" too I
think, with same result, though.


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