Bill Baxter wrote:
On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Yigal Chripun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bill Baxter wrote:
On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Benji Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bill Baxter wrote:
On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Benji Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Bill Baxter wrote:
Anyone using a shell for Windows that works and supports UTF-8
A regular Windows console supports UTF-8 to some extent:

* Change console font to Lucida Console
* issue "chcp 65001"

You can even get more fonts into there with a bit of hackery.
I did that but "type <filewith-utf8.txt>"  still prints garbage.
That's weird. My machine (WinXp Sp3) has no problem printing UTF-8 to the
console. The only special thing I did was changed the font to Lucide
Ok.  Thanks for the info.  Knowing that it has actually worked for at
least one person gives me motivation to try again.

Write a tiny little D program and see what you get on the console:

  void main() {
     Stdout("spade, club, heart, diamond: \u2660\u2663\u2665\u2666");

I don't know anything about the "type" command, and whether it supports
UTF-8. But the console itself ought to be able to handle it. Try compiling
the above code and see what happens.

Ah, I see.  I guess more what I want to know is if I had utf-8 source
code and the D compiler spit out a message about one of the lines,
would that error message come out as garbage?  Same for ddbg -- if I'm
debugging and say "ps" for "print source" will the result be garbage.
  I was thinking that "type" would be a simple test if that sort of
thing would work.

But maybe type is just borked.  I did try "cat" and "more" too I
think, with same result, though.

Msys does autocomplete. it's not perfect but it works. the path will
look unix like though.. i.e.
/c/program files/...

Right that's what Cygwin does too, and it's useless if I want to call
the DMD compiler.

     dmd foo.d /c/libs/mydlib.lib

"Error:  what do you think this is, Linux?"

from what I know (winXP sp 2) - console works for unicode Except for RTL
languages like Hebrew. as someone else already noted, this is legacy
tech which you shouldn't be using anyway. I don't know if it's fixed in
SP3 or not but the new way from MS is their powershell tool based on C#.
there are also other 3rd party stuff as well..

Yeh, i've heard of that.  Do you (or anyone) have any actual
experience with PowerShell?  It doesn't seem to be standard equipment
on my new Vista box even.  Does it require a separate download?
Strange if it really is supposed to be "the new way".


PowerShell is MS's concession that there are things better done in a console environment, especially for developers & powerusers. And, yes, it works very well (I'm a fan...). It also contains aliases for all the GNU tools (i.e. ls => dir, etc.).

It doesn't come as the default on most OSes simply because Microsoft doesn't expect the average home user to need it. It does come default on Windows Server 2008, because Microsoft expects it to be a useful utility to server admins.

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