Yigal Chripun wrote:
Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
"Bill Baxter" wrote
On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 6:37 AM, ore-sama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bill Baxter Wrote:

(like I haven't been able to figure out how to get the
DOS console in Windows to display UTF-8)
Console is a legacy technology (you even still call it "DOS"), why expect features from it?
So tell me what the alternative is?  I had trouble with running D
tools from a Cygwin shell.  Can't remember if I tried MSYS or not.
Any text-based program uses the same Windows console (unless it's a GUI application, and it uses controls to create a text box, etc). Including cygwin shell.

To say it's a legacy technology is like saying Linux is a legacy technology because it's command line based. It's a false experience promoted by Microsoft to try and spread FUD about OSes that mainly support command line tools, like Linux. But command line tools are extremely useful and powerful, much easier to develop, and IMO easier to use. For instance, if you want to find all files that contain a certain text, grep -R text / and you're done. On windows it's 'click the start menu, select search, wait for the search window to pop up, click on the dog, etc'. Freaking annoying if you ask me ;)

Anyone using a shell for Windows that works and supports UTF-8 properly?
I would guess it should work properly, most everything in windows supports unicode. Perhaps you have some configuration setting not set properly? I'd suggest searching msdn.


windows console AKA DOS Box *is* in fact legacy technology. It is
replaced by MS Powershell which is based on C#. they actually took many
ideas from Linux and incorporated in it.

Windows has gotten a lot better in the recent times - ever since it finally started to imitate Unix :o).

Also, it doesn't have to be either/or situation regarding CLI vs GUI.
There's Apple's quicksilver (IIRC the name) which is a gui app with CLI
like interface. it has the best from both worlds. PowerShell is GUI
based as well. IMO, CLI should be provided as just a widget in the GUI
world and not a separate entity.

I'm not sure I understand. Widget in the GUI = a window with text in it living side by side, or embedded with, graphical windows? That's been the case for a long time.


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