Eldar Insafutdinov wrote:
It didn't take very long after previous post to make a first
implementation of signals and slots(thanks to great people from #d)
which means that you can actually start doing something useful. 0.1
is probably most suitable tag for this release. Again - see tutorials
for how to use signals.

I read on http://code.google.com/p/qtd/ the following:

"QtD requires tango. Those who use phobos should try tangobos or modify qtd(that should not be very difficult)."

I bet quite some of the non-Tango users ignore QtD because they don't want to install Tango just for one thing.

If you can find a Phobos user who has done this "not very diffcult" QtD modification, he might write a short description. And a link to that could be on the page, next to the sentence.

Even better would of course be to make QtD work with both already.

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