Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I agree there are ugly constructs in D, and is-expressions would near the top of the list (particularly the absolutely awful is(T : T[])), but you have no case (heh) with the switch statement.


Just a funny suggestion: could we change the is() expression to imperative style?

template Something(T, U, V) if ( is(T : T[]) && is(...) )
     alias T blah1;
     U blah2;
     class C {};
     struct S {};

In mirror universe:
template Something(T, U, V)
    static if ( T : T[] ) // static if here mean if (is (...))
       // may do something with T, make alias, change type
       // or check another constraint.
        pragma(msg, "T must be Klingon");
        static assert(false); // Or return false; ????

    static if ( U == int )
       V = float; // ?????
    return true;
     alias T blah1;
     U blah2;
     class C {};
     struct S {};

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