BCS wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
>> [1] like me. My girlfriend disagrees with me on this,
> You have a girlfriend that even bothers to have an opinion on a
> programming issue, lucky bastard.

No, when I said "like me", I meant:

"Unless there's some egregious problem aside from being a bit on the
ugly side (like me), ..."

My girlfriend is actually a nurse, but I could ask for her opinion on
case ranges if you want.  :)

>> though. *I* think she's crazy, but I'm not exactly
>> inclined to try and change her mind. :)
> That reminds me of a quote: "If you assume a woman's mind is supposed to
> work like a man's, the only conclusion you can come to is they are *all*
> crazy." OTOH you can switch the perspective on that around and I expect
> it's just as true. It should be pointed out that, almost by definition,
> you can't have 50% of the world be crazy.

My opinion is based more on that, with respect to the above issue, she
seems to think differently to more or less everyone else I've ever met,
including myself.

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