Thanks for yet another great release, but.. has anyone else gotten DFL to compile? (The latest svn of DFL worked fine in 2.031)

I've been trying to get it up and running but I've been seeing really weird errors. It appears in several cases that various import statements are not being imported. For example:

    import dfl.form;

Seems to import the menu classes, but not the form classes. And

    import dfl.form;

does the opposite.

I tried tracing the issue down (from control.d -> menu.d -> application.d -> form.d, testing using dfl.internal.winapi) and it looked like I found a single line of code in form.d

version(NO_MDI) {} else {
// commented out source

in which a public import dfl.internal.winapi worked above and didn't work below. But, when I tried to make a simple test case, everything worked. And then when I came back to full source, that test worked too, as did form (But that was only because I had publicly imported it from application.d & application from menu.d)

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